Why haven't we designated a Christian server yet?

Huzzah!! It's officially unofficial!! Here's a quote from some guy I don't know and I don't think has any relationship to any Christian guild from MMORPG. I'd link but it's not family friendly territory.

Many of the Christian Guilds are heading to Sanctum of Rall and since it's a well known fact that Christians are on average much better at PvP than atheists, I think that's where I'll be heading.

BTW, we are better at PvP.. ask the Philistines.
Heya guys,

This is Verasol from Saints 3G! Just wanted to stop in and say it's going to be a blast playing with all of you!

Huzzah!! It's officially unofficial!! Here's a quote from some guy I don't know and I don't think has any relationship to any Christian guild from MMORPG. I'd link but it's not family friendly territory.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works... Matthew 5:16 (KJV)

Maybe the rest of that verse will come later. But how cool is that!
Um... Are we sure he wasn't being sarcastic? (Or did I just not get that you were being sarcastic?)
The quote I'm almost positive was being sarcastic, at least about the PvP part.
Heya guys,

This is Verasol from Saints 3G! Just wanted to stop in and say it's going to be a blast playing with all of you!


Welcome Verasol!

She was a big help in the communication between me and the S3G leadership! Make sure to show her some love!
Well I was in contact with many Christian guilds before SWTOR launched but since have lost contact with them. I can try to dig around for them but everyone was so diappointed about SWTOR that they just kinda fell off. If I can make contact with them I will let them know the server. I just hope that is a live server at launch.

As far as your orginal post, I had this discussion with those guild leaders many times. My position was, I liked the idea of the Christian nation being spread out and covering more area. Most agreed with that. However, that was a different game under different conditions. With the set up of this game, I think getting us all in the same place would ROCK!!! Because of the cross server play I personally would like to battle along side my brothers and sisters. So spread the word lets get this organized.
Christian Crew is voting right now on which server to be on and with that quote I posted earlier they are tentative to join a server that's been earmarked for trolls. I personally don't see us having a major problem with trolls (and we're going to have them no matter where we go).

I also believe that MiLK Alliance is going to be talking it over on Friday as well and they have the same reservations.

So, regardless if they choose Rall or not, pray that CC and MiLK make a decision based on wisdom and what is best for their members rather than a decision dictated by fear.
Trolls, I have found to be a source of personal entertainment, hehe... You are correct, they will always be there and also a good point, we should in on way fear them. The more they talk to me...the more I get to talk to them.

Btw is an admin around, we have another member applying and looking to post some howdy do's.
I can understand their concerns about being stuck in a "Christians-only" neighborhood and not having a larger impact or experience with not-Christians. I felt that way too when this first came up.

I think the presence of Gaiscioch really helps me feel differently. They're so big and organized that I think we WILL have regular encounters with people outside the churchy circles we often inhabit. At the same time, they also seem dedicated to keeping a decent atmosphere and they're big enough to really impact the server with that. I think that the best of both worlds.

And yes, I also think trolls are going to troll no matter where we go. We didn't have servers at all in GW1, and you still found the occasional bozo hanging out in LA being gross/obnoxious just to irritate people.

I'm really liking what I'm seeing of our new neighborhood.
I can understand their concerns about being stuck in a "Christians-only" neighborhood and not having a larger impact or experience with not-Christians. I felt that way too when this first came up.

See the problem I have with that mentality is A) Christian guilds always say they want to spread the Gospel, but in reality, that is hardly ever done. Rather they all just want to play together and talk without having to worry about a cuss word coming up in guild chat. B) Jesus gathered His disciples together before He started His ministry. We've been called to go forth and make disciples of the nations, yes, but we're also told to gather in His name. We're much more effective concentrated than diluted across the world(s). A cord of three is stronger..

But I'm not trying to convince you or anything, merely stating my opinions.