The person below me...

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The person below me is keeping an eye on Flight 1262. It is really cool to look at the real time flight stuff by the way. Oh and Klangdon is on that plane.
True....after snowing for I think 8 days now I think I've had enough shoveling my car out though....silly city only plows the main roads.

The person below me kept their kid(s) home from school because the radio said the buses were running late because of the snow.
False -- snow, what's that? School delays because of weather, huh? It never gets below 50 degrees F here so the only form of water we see is that lovely Pacific ocean.... Is snow that white stuff they do once a year at Disneyland?

The person below me is reading the forums from work right now and feeling a wee bit guilty about it, but ah well...
False, I'm a cashier at Kmart, besides I don't work again until Thursday and we had a snow day today and conditions are good for another tomorrow.

The person bellow is the same as the person bellow the person above me.
False, but I at least remember them.

the person below me is having lunch with 5 people from WoW....

<Miri, Camm, Treebranch, Mirakle, Icthus and at some point Klangdon>
I wish....I am having lunch with one though..Bannard is home from school hehe

The person below me is dreaming of the beach...
False prior to reading your post. True after reading it, thanks.

The person below me thinks reality TV has overstayed it's welcome.
True, but it would be so incredibly violent I can't go into details on the forums.

The person bellow me hopes I get to go see Meatloaf in Hershey, Pennsylvania on March 30th.
True, I've only met Papatoad so far (that I'm not related to somehow)

The person below me knows how to waterski.
True. piece of cake. I learned on the ocean and that is motiviation, you crash you end up with salt water up your nose, in your mouth and in other places you don't want it.

The person below me knows the last time the US flag had less than 50 stars.
False. I don't go to the ocean much because it's about a 3-4 hour drive from where I am and if I do go to the ocean, it's usually a not so good part where I only go for the 3-pier amusement park thing.

The person below me hasn't had a snow day in the past 3-4 years. =X (I had one today so I'm good! ^_^)
True... I have not had a snow day from school in about 10 years.

The person below me is thinking of going to the beach tomorrow.
False. I'm about 6 hours away from that beach I mentioned in the post above. Plus who would want to go to the beach when they could just go outside all bundled up and play in a TON of SNOW! ^_^

The person below me doesn't want to go back to doing work after their day off. T_T
True, I do. One...just changed some yesterday in fact.

The person below me knows how to refil the toilet paper dispensor.
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