The person below me...

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True, I suppose.

The person above me -er- below me believes that puns are the lowest form of humor...but makes them anyway.
False. I am not a phan of the pun.

The person below me thinks something is wrong inside Treebranch's head.
False. He's just proof that God has a sense of humor. He must, since we are created in His image.

The person below me knows who Charles E. Yeager is.
True, the real first american in space.... according to him...

The person below me is sad that I have to leave my house for from now until Tuesday because they are spraying a deadly gas to kill termites that have lived here longer than me.
True? Does that mean your guests are being kicked out of your house with you or are they staying inside because they're the REAL termites?....... >.>

The person below me thinks being a code monkey isn't a bad thing.
True, but I'd rather be a code orangutan.

The person below me reads Terry Pratchett and digs the Librarian.
True, I only have the first two Discworld books though, but I've played the two adventure games.

The person bellow me likes KFC.
Trueish, but it's way out of the way so I rarely eat there.

The person below me would like to help me repair my old Jeep, and we can go four wheeling afterwards.
True? Does that mean your guests are being kicked out of your house with you or are they staying inside because they're the REAL termites?....... >.>

They too have been made bedless. However, that would require them to want to sleep tonight. I think they are planning a WoW all nighter. And they started at 11 am Friday morning.

False Elvis died on the crapper...

The person below me has 1. played wow all night; 2. knows somone who has played wow all night; 3. A very deep paper cut.
False. you wouldn't believe the STUPID stuff my wife had bought herself before our marriage. A $400 blender??? gimme a break.

The person below me will now tell us where they were when they found out Kennedy was shot.
False, but I hope to be sore tomorrow from biking.

The person below me is going mountian biking and too the beach today.
Sadly there is too much snow to bring out my bike...and unless I want to icefish, no reason to head to a beach around here.....but I would love to do either :)

The person below me has an unusual pet.
False. I used to have a goldfish....then it died. =(

The person below me has been thrown into a pile of snow before.
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