The person below me...

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False. I'm being hit by the remnants of them which means lots of rain right now.=\

The person below me is happy to hear that I made it back to PSU safe and sound. =)
false, I never did get my snow :(

The person below me already has a copy of TBC and has found loot better then some epics they had.
True-ish. I got a green from a quest that was better than any of my blue wands. I have seen greens better than some world drop epics.

The person below me likes pancakes.
True! Mmm....blueberry pancakes. =)

The person below me either lost lots of sleep with TBC coming out or woke up late this morning because of TBC. =\
False. I just got my copy this afternoon, and I'm installing the updates as we speak.

The person below me was bummed because the Best Buy in Reno was too simple to order more than 24 collector's editions.
You know me...that'd be true.

The person below me plans to eliminate their sleeping patterns tonight due to TBC. :eek:
False. We don't have Fry's out here. =\

The person below has been playing their low level draenai shaman more than their lvl 60 toon(s).
False. The lack of sleep from release night put me in bed way early yesterday.

The person below me can't wait for their first "blue" drop from BC.
False. Could've fooled me. =P

The person below me is really struggling to not play WoW too much because they should be focusing on other more important real life things.
False, my real life has me occupied for some odd reason.

The person below me could wear shorts today because it is warm where they are.
VERY False. It was about 28 degrees today here. =\

The person below me has cop cars, fire trucks and an ambulance or two outside their window at this very minute. O.O
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