The person below me thread part SIX!!!!

I'm calling paradox on that one. You just want me to cause the time-space continuum to explode, you tricksy one, you.

So, I'm going to ignore your post and answer the one before you.

True, I grew up in Texas, after all.

The person below me thinks Einstein was just kidding about all the relativity stuff, and couldn't actually believe that people fell for it.
I dunno... the hair thing kinda makes me think he is a little crazy...

The person below me wants to make a pancake.

thinking about the pancake toid made today, he put cumin in his mix instead of cinn, he got mixed up....said they tasted something mexican pancakes.

the person below me understands what I just explained...
false, i hope

the person below me is drinking diet soda
False, it knocked on my right 2 tires though. Poor squirrel, thought they were a door apparently...

The person below feels bad for poor fuzzy animals.

The person below figures the best course of action I should take is leave guild chat that way I can't misinterpret something.
Errr... I am not sure what the BD4L would have me do....

The person below me is as confused by the last three posts as me.
Not at all, I know exactly what they are talking about

The person below me knows what the mediation rank is for in guild and why it was put there.(Duffrey suggested it as they had the same idea in ateam when he was a leader there)
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the person below me enjoyed the redeemed meet and greet today and learned something new about a player they did not know before and will post it here.

Ug, Mordos, and I standing next to each other looks like "More bars in more places", according to Avesther. As to which bar I was? Well, remember, I did play a Gnome. :)

The person below me has a different memory to share from today's get-together.
false but i think u guys should make a posty with pics!

the person below me wishes they could of gone to the get together
True, but it is far too expensive to go out there right now.

The person below me is wondering where the screenshots are...