The person below me thread part SIX!!!!

false? all your base are belong to us?

The person below me is going to the Redeemed meet and greet in June.
False. I did not get a kitchen pass.

The person below me is going to set up a wireless network so everyone at the meet and greet can do a heroic run for Tree's lastest Tree.
No his latest Shaman or whatever alt he has going on is newest account.

The person below me was sitting with the doors and windows open and enjoying the weather and then heard a car wreck.
False, I cannot hear wrecks ~2,000 miles away.

The person below me wants to play as a Destruction race in Warhammer.

The person below me will be watching every game of the NBA finals. (So can tell me what happens, cause I won't)
False, but if Magic and Michael where going at it. I might.

The person below me knows what BD4L means.

Benevolent dictator for life, pfft, everyone knows that.

The person below me knows who the BD4L really is....
True, but she's in traction while her sprained eyes heal.

The person below me just watched another Redeemed member walk by outside their office window.
False, my office has no windows (but Red members are all over the campus!)

The person below me wants to exercise and lose weight before he/she meets everyone on the 14th!
Too late for me. Maybe liposuction will work :)

The person below just wants to meet ya'll and not be judged on appearance, although they fear they will be.
soooooo true (I tend to be a bit on the quiet side too....which may suprise some)

The person below me is looking forward to date night tonight!
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Just kidding.

The person below me knows that it is Icthus' job to do that.

The person below me is will transition us away from mushy stuff.

Umm...not sure how to answer that. (Is\will?) Perhaps with proper grammar I would be able to say True or False without having to guess. So here's a guess, True?

The person below me thinks that Icthus should be forced to re-attend a college course in grammar.
true i thought i had bad english!

the person below me thinks that i should auto pass geo and not have to take the final
False. Geometry is important when you get into the real world work environ-----, hahah...almost kept a straight face.

The person below me uses algebra in their everyday work.
True, all day long I draw triangles and solve complex math problems...

The person below me thinks Elihu likes math.
Trueish, possibly.

The person below me thinks Elihu knows that he graduated with a master's in 2+2.