The person below me thread part SIX!!!!

False, I don't think he knows...

The person below me knows what to get my son for his 15th birthday this weekend.....I'm so running out of ideas.....
true... SHOTGUN! haha oo or a car or a phone or a pitchfork... or what he would like most... a girlfriend

the person below me has an airsoft gun
false I dont think the canadians have enough trust in our governement and economy to invest in saving bonds:p

The person below me thinks Goblit's son needs more video games
Partially True, Does he need them?????????

The person below me Loves their children, but understands the blessing of peace and quiet

the person below me wanted to stay home today, but is going garage saling instead! woot woot!
False, have to work for a short bit today.

The person below me has seen the movie August Rush.
true but my finals are almost over then summer!

the person below me wishes that moving was easier
true, i love moving though because i love the change of scenary, just hate all the packing.

the person below me grew up living in lots of differants places. Mom still lives in the house that I was brought home from the hospital to and I now live 5 minutes from there. Same as my hubby...he grew up 5 minutes from where we are now.

The person below me has lived in the same place their entire life.

lived in FL,MD,OH,NY,GA,CA,NJ and WestVirginia, throw more locations on that growing up, we moved a lot.

The person below me has a favorite state they have lived in.
That'd be a big negatory. I've lived in 5 states spread across the central and western US. Currently I'm living 1750 miles from my birthplace.

The person below me lives farther from their birthplace than I do from mine.

EDIT: Post-Ninja'd!! Oh well, I'm letting my question stand. (But TX was my favorite state for everything but weather. CA blows it away on that front.)
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lol, I had to look it up. I'm living 1650 miles from where I was raised, so.. false. :p

The person below me loves debates.
False, I like dialogues.

The person below me knows someone born in a country besides the US and Canada.
True. I have Co-worker who was born in Germany, and another that, until 5 years ago, still lived in her native Country of El Salvador.

The person below me has been to the Jelly Belly factory.
o_O my nephew was born in London England and is coming to visit at the end of excited...and no I haven't visited the factory...but its on my list of wanna do someday stuff!

The person below me is leaving the country in 4 sleeps
False. But I will be traveling to Japan again this year with the wifey in November.

The person below me has been to Switzerland.
True, but it was 1988.

The person below me as been to the Holy Land.