The person below me thread part SIX!!!!

False, I am more of a meat and grilled veggies guy.

The person below me thinks GP is following me around the forums.
I'm carving my own path, you just happen to be in my way.

The person below figures Icthus should move it or loose his war beta privalges to somebody who will spill the beans about it!!!
Spill away!

You will only hurt the guild you desire to be apart of....

and the Elder Beta Tester and BD4L will have strong.... errrr.... wor....errr... they will think bad thoughts about you.
The person above me broke the thread.

The person below me knows who this rumored Elder Beta Tester is.
False, too full on my own grilled hamburgers and brats. Yummy!

The person below me had pie this weekend.
false, but now I want to know

the person below me is going to the gym today.
Yes i do, I met Quantum in person yesterday!

The person below me saw a picture of Sheckle and Shadowbill yesterday. (and they are a good looking couple fyi)
no...not true..I will not...

The person below me thinks Icthus could have stayed home and got tanned and buff instead of looking for a gym in Guatemala.