The person below me part two....

False, you know what you stepped in be a man and take it.

The person below me had one of the worst meetings in their entire life today.
I said "after Meli is done".

False, I cannot imagine what the meeting was like, and I hope I never have to do anything like that ever.

The person below me needs food now.
False although I'm starting to follow stem cell research a lot more nowadays. Mostly because I don't like how you harvest embryonic stem cells. But if you look at adult stem cells, there have been a few cases where they were used and it actually worked!

The person below me wants the weekend to start now! >.<
Depends. Some mornings when I wake up my throat is in pain and sometimes not.

This morning was one of the pain days >_<.

The person below me is drinking water.
True. I had my early morning tea a couple hours ago so now I drink water for the rest of the day.

The person below me doesn't want to sit behind/next to their annoying co-worker anymore. ~.~
False, I have an office with a door and four walls. But, I can be rather annoying too.

The person below me is not sure what happened to the day.

I woke up and then it was time for my mom to be home...wierd...

The person below me knew all the while where the day went, and was counting down the time too.
False. My day just started so it hasn't really gone yet. But I am counting down the time until my fellow college hire becomes a married woman. 8 days now and after today, I won't see her at work until after she's married. She's only a year older than me, but graduated when I did, kind of scary. o.o

The person below me is waiting for the day that I announce that I'm engaged/getting married on the forums. =P
Tralse... if by I you mean me, then it probably won't really happen for a long time, if you mean I as in you... then yes I am.

The person below me is logging in right now!
False. Still at work but hopefully I'll log in some time today and definitely over the weekend. When I'll be on will be up in the air. =P

The person below me is excited to hear that my boyfriend got a job offer finally! =D (even if it is in Boston, 8 hour drive from where I am in VA T_T)
False. I am not in favor of any job in Boston. Period! Nothing but freaks live there.

The person below me is away of the irony of the above statement.
Um, I am not "away" of any irony there.

I would not live there as it is wayyyyyy too cold there for me.

The person below me thinks warmer is better too.
True. Which is why I'm only happy that he got a job. Not happy about the fact that it's in Boston and an 8 hour drive from me. Hopefully he can move around once he's done with this some place warmer. But I'm staying here until that happens...or he puts two rings on my finger....which ever comes first. =P

The person below me knows someone that will be married the next time they see them! =D
True, my mom is engaged.

The person below me knows someone else who is getting chaine.... married soon!
Haha True. He's not that stupid. We both know that our families probably won't be as happy as we want them to be for us if we were to get engaged after he graduates and starts working...unless we promise to not get married anytime soon after. His mom was happy with his answer of 24/25 when she asked him when he was hoping to get married. 25 is really the earliest I want to get married...but that means that I can be engaged anytime before that. =P

The person below me is tired of hearing me talk about prospects of marriage. =P
False. And mom's change their mind when they start to think about Grandchildren, trust me...

The person below me has seen this "grandparent effect" happen.