The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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false! and if you can dive you can fish:P I live in the desert and still get to fish plenty:) short drive away to the lakes hehe

The person below me is gonna bring me a turkey for thanksgiving! hehe
False...why would a turkey want a turkey? j\k! :D

The person below me has 3 or more level 70's.
False, I currently only have 2.

The person below me is wondering why Thanksgiving got skipped and we went straight to Christmas.
True. And I'm strangely saddened by it because I don't have any decorations to put out for Thanksgiving...and I can't find any to buy!

But at the least the person below me has read some of the lolcatz Bible.
I was going to answer this 20 minutes ago, but I just got around to it.

The person below me wants nothing for Christmas.
False, I want a "Procrastinators - Leaders of Tomorrow!" t-shirt

The person below me loves
Yes....I remember when my sister needed an old rotary phone for a prop in a play she was directing in college and she convinced my Mom to unplug hers and let them borrow it hehe.

The person below me had a TSR 80 Color computer.

The person below me wonders when Avesther will hit 6k...or if he'll just suddenly stop posting at 5999...or if the forums can handle such massive postage
False. It says 14 more :)

The person below me thinks that Ave will get 6k posts tomorrow unless he really steps it up!
False, I'm always late.

The person below figures they are never late because they show up when they mean to. (5)
The person above the person above me is breaking the rules repeatedly.

False, actually :P.

The person below me will not be Avesther...or braveheart.
True. But only because Avesther is sitting at 6k posts (and holding). Not sure why Braveheart hasn't been back here yet tho.

The person below me had one of the original Nintendo systems.
True! Hooked up to the TV in my room as we speak!

The person below me wants to watch my dog over the Christmas holidays..
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