The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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I remember me and my friends dressing up as Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders one year.....I had no idea who they were but the ponpons were fun. So..True.

The person below me went to Kara this weekend.
False. I went to a Penn State football game as a student instead. =P

The person below me donates blood to the Red Cross.
False. Here's the website; I was looking at it since you mentioned donating. Red Cross

The person below me can't wait for work to start.
False. But I bet CITGrad and you do it from time to time. (Look it up before you wonder if I'm being rude, because I'm not.)

The person below me is ready for Thanksgiving.
Been there...done that...working on the leftover turkey in the freezer.

The person below me puts Christmas lights up outside.
True, but not until December.

The person below me hopes Cit and Goodwone snog every so often. But I am sure champ hates it.
True! My kids are at that 'Ewww, gross' stage when my wife and I PDA in front of them, but when I ask if they'd prefer the alternative (i.e. us not wanting to PDA) they always say no. ;)

The person below me has been hugged tightly by their kids recently.

Edit - I just realized that I used some of our 'college slang' that some may not know. We used PDA to mean 'public display of affection'.

You try Learning 3 additional Languages then go back to school and trying to do English. Grammar Police must die.

The Person below me has done a polar bear swim.
False, though it is becomeing that season quickly.

The person below me used to own a TI-83 at one point in their life.
Yes...I've had several, including the 92 which was loads of fun.

The person below me knows what RPN is.
um im scared. cause these r getting a bit scary for what i need to know....

the person below me thinks that icthus explains himself cause saying
Some kind of Porn Network?
scares the crap out of me
Orangebox has gone to his brain...

Yeah I got the same PM, said she was banned already so I assume it went to everyone lol.

The person below me thinks Icthus needs to get his mind out of the gutter and come back to the clean wholesome family fun of WoW

The person below me will now proceed to email my bosses and tell them to remove the 5 projects from my plate.
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