The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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false , im busy working on a charicter on another server at the moment.

the person below me hopes to get some ZA loot before anyone else
False, I just wanna have fun exploring it with friends:)

The person below me is working on a new alt to test out the faster levelling 20-60
True? As you know, I'm an altoholic, and I have 3 alts in their 40s and one in the 50s.

The person below me wants to do ZA at 11:01AM ST.
More than 10 seconds? True....but it doesn't feel like it for some reason.

The person below me needs coffee to wake up in the morning.
False, Although I enjoy drinking coffee, I typically start my day with a cup of Hot chocolate.

The person below wonders how long this thread will be.
True, (this is my first try at this game), and I see it is already at 79 pages and 787 replys...geez...

The person below me is watching the server status page and refreshing it every 5 seconds...
false, but a good idea, I just might do that

the person below me is sitting at work wishing he/she was at home refreshing the realm status page every 5 seconds.
Tralse. I am sitting at work, but as I'm not currently playing WoW, I can't say that I'm too worried about the realm status.

(And I'd like to point out that this thread is the third in the series. So we're probably pushing 300 pages total since the first 'The person below me' post.)

The person below me has posted in all three of these threads.
True. An I commented on the inaccuracy of the 5 points it should be 3.

The person below is wasting time when they should be doing something else in hopes the servers will come up soon.
Truish. I'm doing other things that need to be done. But they are the small, quickly accomplished tasks.

The person below me likes bacon.
True, I enjoy bacon, however the smell of it cooking makes me nauseous.

The person is anxiously awaiting a glance at the 2.3 features.
False and I like mine with grits and hot peppers.

False...I don't do well with change usually....

The person below me had hot wings for lunch!

You don't like change, but you ate hot wings? Hot wings always change my intestines up.

The person below me is suffering from a painful dental problem.
False, even though I blew out a chunk of tooth that needs to be packed and capped, I ain't suffering

The person below me visits the dentist often.
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