The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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Transactions per second and software applications on remote or local machines to communicate with each other.

The person below me knows what a VLT is.
Tape device or pick.

The person below me thinks it's unfortunate that some of the geekiness of these questions is lost because you can google the answer. They also happen to know the real problem with this (something you can't google...):

function myFunc( int someParam )
if ( someParam % 2 == 0 )
return myFunc( someParam + 1 );
return myFunc( someParam - 1 );

hint: it's arguably related to pancakes
ok....tape device or telescope? VLT is widely used up here to denote vidieo lottery terminals ......
Sorry Nevi...can't see what is wrong with your code....

The person below me does know what is wrong with it.
I'm not sure. I'm not familiar with the code so I'm just looking at the math. Is it asking for 2% of 0?

The person below me is living where the weather it's still 70 degrees or more during the day.
False, for it is getting colder here by the day.

The person below me has only gotten some 3-3:30 hours of sleep last night.
False. Exactly twice that.

The problem with the code is that it will result in a stack overflow since there's no exit point, hence the reference to pancakes :)

The person below me thinks waffles are better than pancakes and thinks that this question will ultimately end up as a blue post as Blizz steals yet another one of our ideas.
False, unless I count myself and the eggo's in the toaster.

The person below me is thinking about strawberries and whipped cream.
True, but only because you mentioned it above. I won't be in another 3 minutes.

The person below me has had funnel cake before.
True, at Six Flags Over Texas. It tasted great, although absurdly expensive!

The person below me knows who they're voting for for President.
false *gasp* ya i always saw those at theme parks but never got one
the person below me knows what the animal in itchus' picture is.
False. Since the primaries haven't happened yet, there's no way of knowing who will get the nod from the GOP.

The person below me knows what GOP stands for.
"Grand Old Party" originally I think but it's changed over the years.

The person below me is part of a Fantasy Basketball league.

The person has part of a song stuck in their head but they can't place it to what song it actually goes to.
Tralse. I do, but it's the same song as you're singing.

The person below me thinks sushi is best used for bait rather than human consumption.
False, tragic I know for a Texas boy, but I love sushi.

The person below me has eaten a fish they have caught a fish with....
false, did you get it back out of the bigger fish when you cut it open or something? heh

The person below me likes to fish
True. But I like bass fishing, and that's near impossible to do in a desert.

The person below me is bringing turkey to my house for Thanksgiving. (Quick Schmeea, post!)
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