The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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True. It's usually been on the road and driven over. =P

The person below me wants to see some snow....but not have it for too long.
True. I guess I may see some soon, if I have to drive through Colorado. I may see Zacchaeus on the way. Woo hoo!

The person below me has moved recently.
Tralse...I did move upstairs to wash dishes while the game was down....but I've lived here for 10 years now.

The person below me likes moving!
Umm, false... That was the right answer, right Goblit? <Eyes dart from left to right>

The person below me worries for Oddbob's safety now.
True, but more because his game name is Oddbob than because he called a woman crazy.

The person below me has smoke in their area from the Socal fires.
False. I am very very very very very very very far away from the SoCal fires. =)

The person below me was saddened by a college football game yesterday. T_T
False, but I like hotdogs with grilled onions :D

The person below me is having a wonderful week.
False. If I would have read it 15 minutes ago, true.

The person below me has eaten a sandwich made up of only the bread and some Miracle Whip.
False, never been the 'truth or dare' type.

The person below me was up way too late last night playing Guitar Hero 3.
False, but I was definately up way too late doing what I could for a paper that was due for class today though.

The Person below me is planning a road trip.
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