The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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false. and i'm not going to sign your cast.

the person below me has had ice cream more than three times this week...already.
False, I slept like the dead.

The person below me got a nice bottle of wine from their ex-wife from Napa as a gift for watching the kids. :eek:
False. I would have to have had an ex-wife and kids for that to happen. Although I am now the legal age to be in possession of wine. ^^;;

The person below me has been called on to help a friend pick out an outfit for an important event such as an interview or something like that.
hmmm no, i don't think so?? Tree you know anything I don't?

The person below me has thoughts of snow dancing in their head.
no clue what your talking about so false

btw i miss snow

the person thinks the packers r going to make it to the superbowl!!!! (which we will)
So you want to be a roadie for the Superbowl and pack and unpack things for them? (Where is Green Bay anyways?)

The person below me wants to learn to ski!
True. I've lived in West Virginia and Nevada, both with great ski resorts, and I've never been skiing.

The person below me thinks it's odd that I live in the High-desert, and I know how to Scuba dive but not ski.
Tralse, for I don't know which one to really pick.

The person below me has been or is currently a keener for getting all homework done reguardless of when it was/is due.
Haha! No way man! I usually did homework during the previous class. In my first class I didn't do it at all, and usually showed up late. Yikes! I was a very terrible student, as you can tell. But, I've prayed about it and have found an alternative solution!

The person below me is still in high school.
False, fortunately.

The person below me thinks Green Bay is bad.
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Tralse. I don't really like watching professional football. College football all the way. ^_^

The person below me wants to go back to sleep. X_x
Oh yea.....but too much to do why am I on the forums? Hmmm....

The person below me will send me a recipe for something to do with the 150lb of apples I have....
True, actually i will do it here- Blender and a spoon full of sugar = apple sauce!!

The person below me is now expecting a jar of apple sauce from Goblit.
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