Proof my husband exists

vibrokatana said:
Since you seem to be exibiting the symptoms maybe you hallucinated the entire fact that you stayed away from it

Dude, you're distracting her from the whole computer thing. C'mon, help me out here! More computer pictures!

Im sorry but nothing compares to the beauty of a opteron out of the box, it looks soooooooooooo beautiful and shiny, you almost feel it is a crime to place thermal paste on it :(


The intel heatspreaders have no imagination in them, they dont inspire lust

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When i retire my computer, I am going to remove the cpu, clean it off and polish it back up, then frame it. It will be a grand display.
vibrokatana said:
When i retire my computer, I am going to remove the cpu, clean it off and polish it back up, then frame it. It will be a grand display.

When I retire our computer in the back, I am first going to throw it out the window. I will then retrieve it after it has had a chance to have lots of bugs crawl through it (sorry ol' computer, experienced a little lag there). I will then polish it back up, douse it with gasoline and light it on fire. It will be a grand display.

vibrokatana said:
See but only the hallucinated can hallucinate that another person would hallucinate that they were hallucinating.
...Except in months with vowels. Then anything can happen.
Vibro: I know your logic is faulty. Cool stuff happens to me all the time, and all my months have vowels.

But now I have new questions: Does Vibro exist? Does Dredd? What about C$? Now I'm not sure...
Mental Image:
*Mirawyn sobs because her steak made the rapture and she did not*

dorkelf said:
That works. They're all yours. But when a large portion of that steak disappears off your plate, remember that you have no choice except to conclude that it was all just a figment of your imagination. So no blaming me! :cool:

Also, a non-existent person couldn't possibly be expected to do household chores....or go to work....
