Proof my husband exists

poor Paul I feel sorry for him. No one doubts Dea's existence but his is in question. I feel for you bro it is like being married to Oprah.
one2dredd said:
poor Paul I feel sorry for him. No one doubts Dea's existence but his is in question. I feel for you bro it is like being married to Oprah.
I guess it would be easier to doubt Paul's existence than mine. I do have a strong tendency to make my presence felt. ;)

It is, however, more feasible than Paul would invent me. I mean, come on; I'm a female who likes it really all that likely that I wouldn't be able to find a boyfriend, at the very least, on that basis alone? :D
She blinded me with science?

Oi, the 80s hurt!

MaidMirawyn said:
I guess it would be easier to doubt Paul's existence than mine. I do have a strong tendency to make my presence felt. ;)

It is, however, more feasible than Paul would invent me. I mean, come on; I'm a female who likes it really all that likely that I wouldn't be able to find a boyfriend, at the very least, on that basis alone? :D
But as you said yourself. You are convert not a woman who liked games before getting married! OH!! a little Proof that Paul does exist!!!
techwhosaysnee said:
She blinded me with science?
Well, I was a physics major...the only female undergrad at the time, actually.

one2dredd said:
But as you said yourself. You are convert not a woman who liked games before getting married! OH!! a little Proof that Paul does exist!!!
I wasn't a gamer, but I was a geek. I even wrote about that in my blog...
Girls who game don't tend to be the type that nag. Although, guys who game tend to be the type to require nagging. For evidence, please see the state of the room I game in. HA!

ArchAngel said:
girl's who game isn't necessarily a good thing.

Gaming is a way to escape the nagging of the female.
man, I try making an offensive statement, and you guys have to respond with "logic" and "reason."

now I'm upset (Pastori: edited slightly for mild language.)
can't a guy be rude for the sake of being rude?
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ArchAngel said:
man, I try making an offensive statement, and you guys have to respond with "logic" and "reason."

now I'm upset.
can't a guy be rude for the sake of being rude?
Poor thing. Would help if I posted an angry smiley?


There. See how angry you made me?
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thank you dearly for the angry smiley.
words cannot express my gratitude.

finally, a picture I can relate my angst to.

my days of slamming my head into the tree is over.
ArchAngel said:
thank you dearly for the angry smiley.
words cannot express my gratitude.

finally, a picture I can relate my angst to.

my days of slamming my head into the tree is over.

Now you've graduated to having some chick you've never met in person, who doesn't even live in your state, slam your head into the tree for you. ;)
