Playing Female Characters

Last guns I fired were my dad's .357 Smith and Wesson and his .45 THAT has been a long time...

I fired the shotgun a few times, I think, but I don't remember what type...

It's been so long that I was only maybe 100 lbs...
YEah but this was when i was like 11 and fat and short. I want to shoot it again though.

The thing I'm pointing at is that he's so small I'm not sure what keeps him from blowing himself over if a taller, more muscular football player got knocked over... and then you clarified that you were 11... so I'm not sure what I'm talking about now.
ya i pressed the refresh button and BAM it was there. it will be nice to spam.. i, uh, mean hear stuff from other people in here... <_< >_>
I noticed that this was bumped and thought two things.

1: I don't remember grave-digging the forums. Did I bump this sleepwalking last night?
2: Oh, that must've been MaidMirawyn.

And I was proven wrong on both accounts :p
Female characters are general look better, and so that (or close to that) would be the reason i could see poeople playing them for. I like to play games to excape life (they, although become my life:D) and im a dude, so dude characters seem to work best there.:D(that smile doen't work to get the point across, but it will do for now)