Playing Female Characters

I'm gonna try getting a assassin/dervish. haha.
max our on crit and scythe. critical hits will be crazy.
but... I probably will end up not playing that character ever, so I will just dream about it's critting glory
I like the female para. The dance is...odd, but it's okay. And the attire is NOT skimpy.

The Elonian female elementalist armor, on the other hand...
It's... NOT?!?! That goes against ANet policy!

And it's no surprise to me that the female elonian ele armor is like that. It's been that way for fele's (female elementalists :P) since they first released Prophecies...
REBIRTH! ahh there goes my energy... :(

except for a few people, that is exactly why people make females characters.
Why did I pick a female? Well, I thought the model looked great. All of them, actually… I even had my wife make me a model. I buy new dresses for her when I have the money. I have a whole collection of cloaks, different pairs of shoes and hats, trousers and other stuff. And this is rather stupid, to boot, because she runs around in chainmail most of the time. Rarely do I go out dressed like a true vamp, when adventuring I wear armor and a sword. Swords do not go with velvet dresses, let me tell you. I got extremely annoyed when I realized that wearing a cape made my nice, freshly bought 150 gp necklace vanish. If I buy a necklace that makes me look pretty, I want to see it on my character. Same goes for a ruby-gold ring… I want to be able to see it. Didn't just spend 800 GP for nothing now did I? I customized her to look pretty… after all, what is prettier than a nice, young lady with a big fat sword in her hands chopping monsters to bits? Lious Royo knows…. Well, my lady is not very fashionable at times, as I sometimes ran around in a nice green dress whilst still wearing my Mithril Chain Boots.
I find this to be VERY interesting...since most guys seem to have a problem understanding WHY women need so much clothing. This just proves that guys would do the SAME THING if they were female. :p

Swords do not go with velvet dresses, let me tell you.
Says who? When I get a sword, I'll wear it with whatever I want!

Edit: Oh wait, I have one. I wear it with velvet harem pants, a chiffon overskirt, and a velvet "I Dream of Jeannie" top. :p
I find this to be VERY interesting...since most guys seem to have a problem understanding WHY women need so much clothing. This just proves that guys would do the SAME THING if they were female. :p

Says who? When I get a sword, I'll wear it with whatever I want!

Edit: Oh wait, I have one. I wear it with velvet harem pants, a chiffon overskirt, and a velvet "I Dream of Jeannie" top. :p

so pro....
where did you get that shirt? i need one like that...i got like..10 swords...a spear...and an axe

Cool... a friend of mine has a marine replica sabre and a sword that's cool but isn't sharp... and he made himself a spear with a metal spear head thing that he had and bolted onto a staff thing