Playing Female Characters

Just couldn't stand to see such a great thread languish in the backwaters of forgoten posts. Had to revive the topic. Actually was wondering how many of our male player have created which gender for Factions?

Whole new chapter whole new topic. Discuss
I started off with a female ritualist because the male was wearing a skirt. After seeing a different set of ritualist armor, I started over with a male. My last character slot will either go to an assassin or a necro. Either one I make will probably be female simply because I don't like the way the male toons look in those classes.
My assasin pve is male, but the female armor thats anti-blunt looks really sweet so i use it for pvp assasins. So far I havent created a ritualist, as the casting looks very painful and wacky. Perhaps one day I will make a male ritualist(after I get bored with the all-powerful assasin) and have 3 males and 3 females in my login screen.
I created a Male Ritualist. I wanted the Napolean Dynamite Dance that is the only Reason oh and to use the name Indigo :D. And my New PvP slot has been a Female Mesmer, Warrior, and Ranger.
I created a male assassin, for a couple reasons:
1. The dance. If you haven't seen it, find a male assassin and have him dance for you, it's great. :D
2. When you think "ninja", the majority of the time, you'd picture something like this. Am I being sterotypical? Perhaps. You decide. :p
3. Is it just me, or is the male voice for Factions a. different that Prophecies and b. really cool!?
4. My default choice for characters is male (Cause I'm a guy too, and can identify more easily with my characters). If I make a female character, there's usually a reason. For Elysia, it was that I thought the female ranger looked better than the male overall. For Summer, I couldn't for the life of me find a male Monk haircut that I thought looked good. So I found a female one that looked half-way decent (Monks REALLY don't like their hair, do they?), and made a female monk.
Female rit for me. Great hairstyles (and jewelry). However, if I had seen the female ritualist's undergarments beforehand, I don't know if I would have made one...
ChickenSoup said:
And... why were you looking at the females undergarments???
I wasn't...which is the problem. I finally noticed a "female" dancing in her undies yesterday, when I was whispered an invited to join in. (

What bothers me is that they are so obviously intended to be on display.
I started with a male Ritualist. Sucker cost me a quick 30k. I played with him very little and realized that I just couldn't stomach that funky way of trying to hit a slider in the dirt all the time. I never did look at his underwear. I deleted him quickly.....too quickly.......he still had 30k of my hard earned dollars in his pack.

I like my male assasin better, but am still annoyed at that odd way of running. He looks like he has an inner ear infection. He's also too skinny. I never have looked at his underwear either.

Again, the fact that I picked two males has nothing to do with me being a male. Its a GAME. If I ever start over with Ritualist or Assasin they will be female because I haven't tried them yet.
I hate it when i delete a character and forget to take out the stuff and money. As for me i made a MALE assassin the only character of mine that is a female character is The Hauss. ( it will probably stay that way unless i decide to make my PvP slot a female character).
I wish they had spent a bit more time fixing the movement on the fem Rit instead of spending so much time on the undergarments. Many of the movements are...odd...because the body doesn't bend at the right places. Oh, but she has jewelry on her undergarments... :rolleyes:
I made a ritualist, thoght for a second, then deleted... the ritualist made me feel stuipid by the way it casts, also the loooong spirit recharge times make running one very boring
I'm thinking of making a ritualist female for a healer/protector type. a Rt/mo or something. still trying to flesh out how I will do it.

I just think that headwrap is sexy.jk.
ArchAngel said:
I just think that headwrap is sexy.jk.
Okay... Sometimes you just scare me, ArchAngel...

(just kidding...)

Paul made a Rt/Mo heal/protect: Paulus Secundus. You might ask him how he likes it.
Personally, I think my ritualist female must be wearing invisible kneepads, the way she hurls herself to the ground to conjure spirits!

Hey, why not? She's already wearing an invisible corset...though how she manages to dance in it is beyond me.
And for your Info My PvP slot will be dominated by female Characters as well.

Naomi Dredd
Named after the Naomi in the Bible

Buttercup Dredd
DuH! Princess Bride character for those un cultured heathen

Abishai Dredd
Named after one of King David's 50 Mightiest Men

Hushai Dredd
Hushai was the one God used to help David Defeat His son Absolom who had the Greatest Advisor in the History of the world (Sorry cannot remember his name) who was underminded by Hushai with God's Help.
YES! PvP female characters! Actually i usually just choose randomly. Recently I am not evil has been killing off monks, sword > axe