I created a male assassin, for a couple reasons:
1. The dance. If you haven't seen it, find a male assassin and have him dance for you, it's great.

2. When you think "ninja", the majority of the time, you'd picture something like
this. Am I being sterotypical? Perhaps. You decide.
3. Is it just me, or is the male voice for Factions a. different that Prophecies and b. really cool!?
4. My default choice for characters is male (Cause I'm a guy too, and can identify more easily with my characters). If I make a female character, there's usually a reason. For Elysia, it was that I thought the female ranger looked better than the male overall. For Summer, I couldn't for the life of me find a male Monk haircut that I thought looked good. So I found a female one that looked half-way decent (Monks REALLY don't like their hair, do they?), and made a female monk.