Playing Female Characters

dorkelf said:
There are certainly many cases where folks from other cultures intentionally disregard American standards of hygiene. Sometimes this lack of hygiene is the result of poverty...but truthfully, it isn't exactly wallet-breaking to buy a stick of deodorant once every few months.
Yes, there are. (I have one truly...fragrant...client we have nicknamed "Stinky Guy.")

However, Islam has a lot of religious requirements about bathing and washing, so it's much less common among Muslims (though it still happens). It's far more common among Indo-Pac immigrants, who are mainly Hindu or Buddhist. (Like Stinky Guy.)
MaidMirawyn said:
Yes, there are. (I have one truly...fragrant...client we have nicknamed "Stinky Guy.")

However, Islam has a lot of religious requirements about bathing and washing, so it's much less common among Muslims (though it still happens). It's far more common among Indo-Pac immigrants, who are mainly Hindu or Buddhist. (Like Stinky Guy.)

I've been to some of the middle eastern countries and they are not bad, but i have to admit the one and only time i was evern in India there where some interesting smells. But muslims in Africa don't seem to put the same significance on bathing as other muslims do in say Saudi Arabia, not that there are no facilities, there are, they just seem to spend so much more time blowing them up than using them.
Confused? You will the next episode of CGA!

Why are we talking about stinky people? Let's see if I can reconstruct this!

Well, it was started by Tech, who brought up Middle Eastern Dance. (And Tech, I bet you thought I had forgotten-NOPE!) Then it went to Middle Eastern culture, pro and con. Then we got this post about the Middle East:

ChickenSoup said:
Oh yes and I like to shower once in a while...

Hence the multi-ethnic hygiene discussion...

Things are always interesting here!
MaidMirawyn said:
Why are we talking about stinky people? Let's see if I can reconstruct this!

Well, it was started by Tech, who brought up Middle Eastern Dance. (And Tech, I bet you thought I had forgotten-NOPE!) Then it went to Middle Eastern culture, pro and con. Then we got this post about the Middle East:

Hence the multi-ethnic hygiene discussion...

Things are always interesting here!

I blame Chicken Soup
Ok lets start something interesting and on topic...

With factions coming on, will us guys plan on creating female characters of the new classes?

I plan on making a male A/Me, the ritualist I'm still debating on...
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vibrokatana said:
Ok lets start something interesting and on topic...

With factions coming on, will us guys plan on creating female characters of the new classes?

I plan on making a male A/Me, the ritualist I'm still debating on...

With the exception of the Ritualist male's 'Napoleon Dynamite Dance', I liked the female version better. If I create a ritualist, it'll probably be female. I thought the male ritualist looked a little too feminine, not to mention he was wearing a skirt.

As far as the assassin goes, I'll probably create a character with assassin as the secondary. I'm interested in what I can do with the assassin's ability to shadow step(teleport). With Aura of Displacement, you can shadow step to your target and then return to your original location when you're ready. It'll be interesting to see how effective it'll be with a warrior or an elementalist as the primary. I can imagine a warrior shadow-stepping to an enemy monk and proceeding to beat his head There'd literally be no escape. I can also imagine a group of E/A characters that shadow step simultaneously to an enemy and drop point blank AOE's at the same time. It'd be like seeing the bulls in the underworld drop dead when triggering the ranger traps.
vibrokatana said:
Ok lets start something interesting and on topic...

With factions coming on, will us guys plan on creating female characters of the new classes?

I plan on making a male A/Me, the ritualist I'm still debating on...

I have been playing a male Ritualist healer during both preview weekends, and I am going to recreate the same character as PvE when factions comes out. During the first preview weekend I was able to make a character who looked a lot like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I called him "Spike the Healer". The templates were more limited the second time unfortunately. I hope they'll expand them again when factions is released.

While I'm already posting - my wife Mirawyn has been bugging me to respond to her original question about why I play female characters, so here goes. I play female characters for the same reason people climb mountains. No no, not to prove I'm a macho rock-climbin' stud, but just because they're THERE. Whenever I go into the character creation process I want to make something interesting, unique and fun. If our guild has a slew of male monks, or if I have one already, my next one will probably be female. If I've already got a male warrior (Axe Me No Questions), my next one will likely be female (Imam Bayildi) unless there is enough variety in the male templates to let me do something distinctively different. If I limited myself to male characters, it would be limiting what I could do with the character creation process. And because I do not "internalize" characters, but rather see them as entities separate from myself, I have absolutely no problem doing either gender. In fact, if there were a hermaphrodite character no, we won't go there. :cool:

I thought the male ritualist looked a little too feminine, not to mention he was wearing a skirt.

I think it's called a sarong. :)

Ali G: "Wut wez up wit u wearring dat skirt in doz photos? Wut wez dat?"
David Beckem: "It's a sarong"
Ali G: "I know it'z so wrong, but whatz it called?"
I finally caved in and made a female PvP character. :eek: :o After deleting my assassin from the preview event. I'm so used to playing as male characters its kinda weird playing as female ones. I think it will take a little time getting used to.
My brother actually owns a sarong (an authentic one from whatever island culture it is where the guys wear them). My sister always jokes he would make a great gay guy if he weren't so very straight...
Sarongs are usually longer than kilts, though men's sarongs are shorter than women's.

But hey, men in many cultures have worn skirts. Even a loincloth could be considered a type of skirt. I'm just glad the guys around me don't wear them!
:D Glad I dont wear one!!

TADA!!!!! Post # TWO HUNDRED!!

A milestone in SoE History!! Other than the Screenshots thread this is the largest!!