Playing Female Characters

techwhosaysnee said:
Even your cookies underestimated the powers of the dark side.

Don't worry though, it's not about Dredd. It's about the middle-eastern dances.

*builds a bomb shelter and hides* :p
ChickenSoup said:
middle eastern culture is invading society little by little...
There are few cultures that don't have something of value in them. For instance, the Middle East values beauty and grace in a much healthier way. Here in the West, we are obsessed with thinness, to an unhealthy extreme. (Just look at the females in just about any game...) And have you seen "modern art" and what is considered beautiful there? Of course, many artists would view the label itself as an insult! (I have an art degree, so trust me on this.)

As for grace, it's exemplified in Western minds with ballet and gymnastics...both of which are notorious for the unhealthy measures both men and women must go to in order to fit the ideal! Middle Eastern dancers can be any age; I have friends ranging from seventeen to sixty! And they can be any shape, too...I'm fairly fit myself, but I have friends in dance who are very thin, as well as some who are rather hefty.

Most ME culture also places a high value on modesty and chastity...I think we all get my point on this topic!

Plus they have great music, and the food is absolutely delicious! Especially the pastries.

Are there many things that are very wrong with the Middle East? Without a doubt-especially in the area of women's rights, religion, and the value of human life! Are there regions I absolutely would not visit? You bet-no abaya and veil for this woman! But don't disregard the entire culture!

By the way, I've been dancing for nearly twelve years, so I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon.
Muslims can be nice

ChickenSoup said:
Well they are also Muslims and Muslims do suicide bombz

Sorry I had to bring that up

As I said: religion and value of human life are areas where they could learn from us. (You didn't comment on the atrocious conditions for women in much of the Middle East-shame on you! There are more than a couple of countries where they don't have any rights, or only have very limited ones.)

But not all Muslims are suicide bombers, or even agree with it. They can be very nice people.

Of course, they are still wrong. So are aetheists, polytheists, monists, pantheists, neopagans...but they have the right (and responsibility) to choose their own religion.

And not all Middle Easterners are Muslims, either; some are Christians (especially Orthodox) or Jews, or something else.

ChickenSoup said:
Oh yes and I like to shower once in a while...

Um, so do my Lebanese co-workers, and my dance instructor's Persian husband, and the nice man who runs the restaurant my dance company performs at every June and December, and his staff...and their families "back home."

They don't all live out in the desert in tiny remote villages with no water, you know. :rolleyes:
I'm trying to think of something else intelligent to add, but Mirawyn's already done a pretty good job. :) Props.
It is amazing how this thread will not DIE!!!! Almost 200 views 18 Pages long!! We are about to make a book!

*EDIT* Check that almost 200 Posts not views!!
I say we publish our findings on male MMORPG players who play female characters, make millions of dollars on our "research", and retire to a small archipelago off the coast of New Zealand. :D
Manyik said:
Is there any point in trying to bring this post back on topic?

Hmmm...technically, isn't a post about bringing a post back on topic off-topic itself? :rolleyes:

I do want to put in one quick word in CS's defense. There are certainly many cases where folks from other cultures intentionally disregard American standards of hygiene. Sometimes this lack of hygiene is the result of poverty...but truthfully, it isn't exactly wallet-breaking to buy a stick of deodorant once every few months.
