Dark Virtue
New Member
[qupte]If I read your posts right, you are saying that 1) the Doom series has implied references to Christianity and 2) that the Doom series has nothing to do with Christianity. [/quote][b said:Quote[/b] (joshofstl @ Oct. 04 2004,7:39)]
That is correct.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]To say "the game has NOTHING to do with Christianity" is a bit of an overstatement I don't even think the developers would make.
I don't think it's an understatement at all. I have yet to read anything that proves otherwise from any interviews that I have seen. If you have evidence to the contrary, please share.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Most of the gamers who play the game are in a Judeo-Christian culture and would understand the demons and Hell of the games to be the demons and Hell of Christianity, at least as it is understood by popular culture.
That is very close to my point. The majority of gamers have a Judeo-Christian background and know very litle of other cultures, therefore they are unable to draw demonic references to any culture other than the one they are familiar with.
[b said:Quote[/b] ] I've had more than one friend refer to battling the "spawn of Satan" in reference to one of the Doom games.
I have heard more than one little child exclaim that they believe in Santa Claus, but that doesn't make Santa real now does it? Your friends have made an incorrect inference. For the demons in the game to be the spawn of Satan, well, they need to be spawned from Satan, and as I have stated, Satan is not refered to or infered to, either directly or indirectly.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]I believe that is a fairly common view among gamers who play the game.
It may be a fairly common view amongst your friends and associates, but I don't think it's a fairly common view amongst ALL gamers.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]As I've said before, that's the hook of the game for Western gamers. Gamers are familiar with Hell as elucidated in Christian history, and it makes an eminently wicked foe. Now, whether or not this use of Hell in a game is bad is another issue. I personally don't have a huge problem with the game, but some do, and I understand and respect their concerns.
I understand and respect their concerns as well. But what concerns ME is their understanding of the game is uneducated and based on assumptions and incorrect analogies. When you equate this game to some Christian form of Hell, I notice you capitalize Hell. Which hell are you referring to? Gehenna? Tartarus? Sheol?
[b said:Quote[/b] ]On the other hand, it is my belief that the more accurate observation would be that the game DOES have something to do with Christianity and its notions of demons and Hell, but only insofar as the game needs it to create a scary, profitable game.
A more accurate, objectionable observation would be that players have chosen to associate the game elements in Doom with the only thing they are familiar with, that being Judeo-Christianity, not vice versa as you assert.
[b said:Quote[/b] ] Having played the game, I don't believe the developers are trying to propogate Satanism or demonic activity, per say. If they were, playing as a demon would have been far more effective.
Per say? I don't believe the developers propogate Satanism one iota. If you've played the game then you should know there is absolutely no reference to Satan. The game setting is Mars, not earth. The only thing that ties the demons in the game to Christianity are the names they are given. Now, here's the kicker. The names of the demons are not derived from the demons themselves (as in the Bible, see Legion). The names are merely REPRESENTATIVE for these demons that were given to them by the workers in the lab. If you saw horrible alien beings that rose from fiery pits and thew fireballs at you, wouldn't you refer to them as "demons"? Of course you would, because your background with Judeo-Christianity would lead you to make that assumption. In other words, the names of the demons are descriptive labels because they didn't know what else to call them. That does NOT mean they are actual demons from Christian mythology.