new doom 3 review

I think people are grouping deamons in a game and satan together. I think the ad mentions deamons or something like that, and their putting these deamon CHARACTERS in the same catagory as a religious figure Satan.
Thank you mechboy, that is very true.

I looked up demon in Merriam Webster's dictionary. There is nothing in any of the definitions about Satan, God or Christianity.

Once again, Doom 3 has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity or Satan.
It is reasonable to assume that the developers drew from the Judeo-Christian notions of demons and hell in developing the game. They did, after all, grow up in Western culture just like most of us did. That's not to say that the game is meant as either an affront to Christianity or an endorsement of it... at least, no more than Pokemon, for example, would be representative of an Eastern religion.

But Doom has always been understood, at least implicitly (and explicitly by most gamers I know) to borrow unabashedly from Christian notions of hell in creating the setting for the game. That is part of the allure of the game... Western gamers are certainly familiar with hell, and here is a game that offers the chance to battle what Western gamers recognize as the epitome of evil.

So I would gently submit that Doom does have something to do with Christianity to a certain extent, although I don't think id made the game for any reason other than to make a profitable, popular, first-person shooter with cultural elements gamers could connect with.
I never knew about people thinking deamons being satanic till I started posting on this forum. I thought they were like the cookie monster not real.

And didn't egypt have beliefs in an after life and raa( am I spelling it right, egyptian god). Maybe it had nothing to do with christianity.
But wouldn't u draw ideas from your suroundings, and since there are alot of christians in north america it is likely that the creator drew ideas from christianity, but that doesn't mean the game is about the Christian devil.
Well... To alot of Christians demons only exist in affiliation with Satan, besides if you believe the demons portrayed in Doom 3 are satanic beings then it would be good to kill them.
their not satanic, its a game. It has nothing to do with biblical deamons or satan.
Do u think the t's in cs are related to Al quada. No their not real.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Maybe it had nothing to do with christianity.
But wouldn't u draw ideas from your suroundings, and since there are alot of christians in north america it is likely that the creator drew ideas from christianity, but that doesn't mean the game is about the Christian devil.

Mechboy has it precisely right. Just as joshofstl, they drew upon the notions of hell. Does that mean the game makes references to Satan? Heck no. People that say things like that draw inferences that aren't true. Let me say that again...drawing inferences to Satan and Doom 3 is INCORRECT. I have been over and over this topic. The references in the game to demons and hell are ALLUSION. An allusion is an implied or indirect reference. "Demon" is merely a descriptive reference, it has nothing to do with Satan or Christianity. "Hell" is merely a descriptive reference, it has nothing to do with Satan or Christianity. The game has NOTHING to do with Satan or Christianity. Period. End of story.
..... Not all terrosists come from al quedi, however all demons are i affiliation with satan, so its reasonable to assume that they are affiliated with Satan in Doom 3 as well.

Well Dark thats fine what you are saying, but if someone knows Demons and Hell only exist in affiliation with Satan.... Wel then they cannot be demons or hell without Satan. If they are not demons or from hell then why dont they call them soemthing diferent, perhaps call them Pokemon! Or something non satanic.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 04 2004,10:38)]
You make incorrect conclustions.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]..... Not all terrosists come from al quedi, however all demons are i affiliation with satan, so its reasonable to assume that they are affiliated with Satan in Doom 3 as well.

Would you mind furnishing us with your definition of "demon"? You are basing your conclusion on an incorrect fact. As I have already shown you, there is nothing in the definition of demon to conclude affiliation with Satan. We'll use your example: not all terrorists are members of Al Queda, neither are all demons affiliated with Satan. If you understood the definition, this would be a non-issue.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well Dark thats fine what you are saying, but if someone knows Demons and Hell only exist in affiliation with Satan.... Wel then they cannot be demons or hell without Satan.

And there's your problem, you think you know everything but you only show your lack of knowledge. Demons exist in virtually every culture, they are not exclusive to Christianity. The same with hell. Hell exists in other cultures as well, it is not exclusive to Christianity. KNOWING that, one cannot make the conclusion that any mention of demon and hell automatically links it to Christianity.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If they are not demons or from hell then why dont they call them soemthing diferent, perhaps call them Pokemon! Or something non satanic.

I have been over this point as well. "Demon" is a descriptive term. People, like you, that have only been exposed to Western culture will identify with the Christian view of demons. Just using the term "demon" does not identify with anything Satanic. Again, please look at the definition of demon.

Do a little research, you might be surprised by what you find.
Like I have said before.... Christians know only one Demon, and they are affiliated with Satan, no ther demons exist besides Satan's buddies. THe fact is All demons are affiliated with Satan. IVe not known of any demon who wasnt affiliated with Satan.

Sure they exist in every culture and religeon, but only one is True. and I am going by that truth.
And that is the perfect example of a closed minded attitude.

I am pointing out the defects in your logic and you refuse to so much as acknowledge them.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]IVe not known of any demon who wasnt affiliated with Satan.

And I have been trying to show you other types but you are simply being stubborn.

Once more, I will ask you, WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF DEMON? Because I can assure you, your definition is not the same as the majority.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (mechboy @ Oct. 04 2004,12:16)]their not satanic, its a game. It has nothing to do with biblical deamons or satan.
Do u think the t's in cs are related to Al quada. No their not real.
the 1337 crew is related to them
LOL you're a slippery one.

Fine. Define DEMONIC then. And don't say Demonic is related to Demons.

Come on now, give us a definition. In your head, when you hear DEMON or DEMONIC, what is the definition that is associated with it?
here is a interesting def of deamon
One who is extremely zealous, skillful, or diligent: worked away like a demon; a real demon at math.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 04 2004,2:24)]The references in the game to demons and hell are ALLUSION. An allusion is an implied or indirect reference. "Demon" is merely a descriptive reference, it has nothing to do with Satan or Christianity. "Hell" is merely a descriptive reference, it has nothing to do with Satan or Christianity. The game has NOTHING to do with Satan or Christianity. Period. End of story.
If I read your posts right, you are saying that 1) the Doom series has implied references to Christianity and 2) that the Doom series has nothing to do with Christianity.

To say "the game has NOTHING to do with Christianity" is a bit of an overstatement I don't even think the developers would make. Most of the gamers who play the game are in a Judeo-Christian culture and would understand the demons and Hell of the games to be the demons and Hell of Christianity, at least as it is understood by popular culture. I've had more than one friend refer to battling the "spawn of Satan" in reference to one of the Doom games. I believe that is a fairly common view among gamers who play the game.

As I've said before, that's the hook of the game for Western gamers. Gamers are familiar with Hell as elucidated in Christian history, and it makes an eminently wicked foe. Now, whether or not this use of Hell in a game is bad is another issue. I personally don't have a huge problem with the game, but some do, and I understand and respect their concerns.

On the other hand, it is my belief that the more accurate observation would be that the game DOES have something to do with Christianity and its notions of demons and Hell, but only insofar as the game needs it to create a scary, profitable game. Having played the game, I don't believe the developers are trying to propogate Satanism or demonic activity, per say. If they were, playing as a demon would have been far more effective.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 04 2004,7:13)]Im not using your definition.... Im using it how I use the word.
I KNOW you're not using my definition, that's why I am asking for YOUR definition.

I have asked for your definition several times now.

Would you be so kind as to reply?