Microsoft loves console gamers

Exactly, it is a guess. From what I see, there is a bunch of hate towards the Xbox based on rumors and guessing. Legitnoob and I are just saying that we should wait till we hear the final product before we jump on the hate bandwagon. E3 is soon and will provide much more to work with.
Well my point is this, Sony and Microsoft has both been rumored to not allow used games, Microsoft is the only one talking about it a lil bit but Sony is silent. But does that mean Sony isn't thinking of it absolutely not, I believe they both are waiting on the other to say what there gonna do. That's kinda y we have had this problem so far with info about the ps4, really what do we know about it, not alot and that is far more scary then the the lil bit we know about the Xbox one.
Microsoft just put up a page describing the features of Xbox one on more detail.
Here are some of the features that stood out to me.

The good:
  • You can choose to pause Kinect or turn it off, including the feature that listens for the "Xbox on" command.
  • It is not 100% always-on
  • You can access your games on someone else's Xbox one
  • "Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One."
  • You can trade in games
  • You can give games away to your friends

The bad:
  • Some games and apps will require you to turn Kinect back on to run them
  • If the console is offline for 24 hours, it blocks all gaming (even single-player)
  • You can only trade in games that publishers allow to be traded in, at retailers that Microsoft allows to buy used games
  • A game can only be given away once, if the publisher allows the game to be given away
I will not be buying a Microsoft console with a mic and camera that have the potential to always be listening and watching. Their involvement with PRISM sealed the deal for me.

According to PRISM, they don't even have the NSA snooping through their files, so they can say no one is going through it. Instead it's being split off and copied during the time which the data is in the fibers. This is why the companies could deny giving the government access to their servers. At least, that is what I've read.
So, the Xbox One haterade bores me. It's usually just fanboyism on the offensive rather than defensive. That said, there've been some really funny cases of poking fun at it that I've enjoyed. I enjoy the same kind of jokes when made at Nintendo/Sony/etc.'s expense too.

Thus, I thought I'd share this. It's not the funniest poke made, but nostalgia (if the term can be properly applied here) and popculture humor make it worth the while in my book:

I LOVE my Xbox 360, and anticipated some better news this year, however, I am going with a PS4 purchase, I can't help be kinda excited to be back on the other side for this console's life. I want to explore what has changed with Playstation since I skipped over one console. I also love the crossover options with Vita & having access to classic PSN games on both. The always on camera doesn't bother me so much since I would just cover the eye, although I am not sure I like that it is always "listening" in combination with an always on internet connection. It's new technology, more info is needed. I would love to throw some money at Microsoft, but I am tired of Xbox live costing $35-60 / year and I dislike some of the restrictions they are pulling for. The price just reaffirms my decision.
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Well, while we're posting funny comparison pics, I personally prefer this one:


Despite the funny pictures and criticisms (both supported by direct claims of Microsoft and speculated ones), odds are that I will still get an Xbox One at some point down the road.

Well, probably. :P
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Does anyone know when the PS4 is gonna drop, I looked at getting one of the bundles of it. I'm debating buying it first and wait on the Xbox one( even tho it's not popular) until spring or summer next year!
I think I will just stick with my xbox 360 instead of upping to the one. I don't really see any benefit. Their biggest push was changing between game, internet, and regular tv just by saying something. Guy even showed at the reveal how you could go on the internet while watching a movie. Doesn't peak my interest. Also, do not like having to pay and extra fee if you buy a used game. Just dumb.
Does anyone know when the PS4 is gonna drop, I looked at getting one of the bundles of it. I'm debating buying it first and wait on the Xbox one( even tho it's not popular) until spring or summer next year!

November, I think it was announced. Anyone confirm?
I have seen rumor mills for both Nov 26 and October 29. From what I understand, parts are already shipping. Obviously speculation take with a grain of salt. One thing I will say, though, is that amid current atmosphere and how people felt about E3...if the PS3 shipped a month early it would be a huge blow.

Lots of interesting comparison pics...did not realize the DDR5 was literally over 2.5x as fast. What a difference. Also good to hear Move controllers are compatible. Any word on the PS Eye?
Well I wanted to buy the watch dogs ps4 bundle but on amazon it says that it woundnt be available till December 31st
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