Do you have any proof about the Visual DRM? I have only heard otherwise.
Also Microsoft has said previously that it takes privacy on the Xbox One seriously, with Phil Harrison stating, "We aren't using Kinect to snoop on anybody at all. We listen for the word 'Xbox on' and then switch on the machine, but we don't transmit personal data in any way, shape or form that could be personally identifiable to you, unless you explicitly opt into that."
Here is the patent paperwork for Visual DRM via Kinect.
U.S. Patent Office - Microsoft Visual DRM said:
A content presentation system and method allowing content providers to regulate the presentation of content on a per-user-view basis. Content is distributed an associated license option on the number of individual consumers or viewers allowed to consume the content. Consumers are presented with a content selection and a choice of licenses allowing consumption of the content. The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken.
I think that clears this up quite nicely.
As far as Microsoft monitoring you ... allow me to pick apart that quote you have. "...but we don't transmit personal data in any way, shape or form that could be personally identifiable to you, unless you explicitly opt into that."
Said another way - we don't transmit data that could be personally identifiable to you unless you let us (I paraphrased and chopped out the extra words).
Did you notice how Mr. Harrison said could instead of would? Those words are similar yet mean different things. "Could" insinuates that the data they will disperse about you has the possibility to be traced back to you. On the other hand, the word "would" means either yes or no, depending on the context. In this context, "would" means no, or not be identifiable to you - but he didn't say that. Obviously if they are tracking how you respond to ads, of course the data regarding
your behavior will be traced back to
you. If they couldn't trace it back to you then they won't be able to tailor ads to your preferences, and they would thus would make less money.
What Mr. Harrison said makes no sense.
Microsoft will transmit data from your house, about you, via Kinect. End of story.