Microsoft loves console gamers

You're assuming gamers are the target/largest audience? Everything here shows me they're going for the casual gamer crowd. While gamers may feel cheated, reality is that they have a larger audience in the casual crowd than hardcore crowd. They will make more money from micro purchases of the casual gamers than big purchases of the hardcore gamers.

I have heard this often over the past 5 years with Wii and all the "casual market" features that have made it to these conferences. The thing that is being ignored here is...casuals do not matter regardless of whether the soccer mom is the target demographic.

Do you think grandma is going to be tuning into this conference? No. They won't. I'm not arguing for or against the existence of these types of features, but as far as a presentation goes...this was very bad.
Are any of you really supprised that Microsoft is out to kill the used game market? They have a long history of killing illegal and legal copies of their products. Look at the DRM and how windows will lobotomize your system if you try to make too many changes. It seems like a natural progression of Microsoft's modus operendi. As for the console itself, I can't say I was overly impressed. I stopped watching during that first dude's boring presentation. I'll wait to see how things shape up as future announcements are made.

BTW, the always on the internet feature didn't work well for Diablo III (main reason I stopped playing) I don't see it as being a crowning accomplishment for Xbox. I already have 14 devices on my network including my Xbox 360. Start adding "cloud storage" and I am going to start pushing my ISP's bandwidth limits pretty hard (already exceeded them twice in the past year). Also imagine the lag trying to play Call of Duty or NHL15 solo.
I do think the used game thing is interesting. I am a big supporter of being able to sell one's games, but really, really dislike GameStop. If MS comes up with a fair way of selling games, this could work out great for them and the players. The issue is going to be what constitutes "fair", how much of a cut MS/devs get, and how that price compares to new games.

PS: that highlight video needs autotuned, lol.
Before my Wii I had a Nintendo Playstation. Before that I think it was an Atari. I don't do consoles very much. Always on internet I'm not too worried about but I have fairly decent connections. And they've already confirmed it's not always on but you do have to check in like once a day. What really gives me the heebie jeebies is the always on camera....
I'm talking with some friends on ventrilo right now and one is saying that Microsoft is indeed going to use visual DRM to determine whether or not you can access media you have purchased.

Read this article.

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I'm talking with some friends on ventrilo right now and one is saying that Microsoft is indeed going to use visual DRM to determine whether or not you can access media you have purchased.

Read this article.

Certainly not even Microsoft is that daft.
Certainly not even Microsoft is that daft.

The fact that their answer was completely unrelated to the question of whether or not they will use visual DRM (a yes or no answer is required) is crazy! They danced around the question better than most politicians!
Well wolf man please b4 you post stuff please know a lil bit about the topic! Now I'm not trying to be rude, but seriously you know y Microsoft hasn't come out and said for sure what there gonna do with the used game market is bc it's not set in stone, they are waiting to see what Sony does. And btw Microsoft has stock in GameStop, if GameStop does bad Microsoft losses money. Everything any employee has said so far about the used game market is right now not set in stone! Same with the connection issue, that's y they havnt full talked about what it's gonna intel fully. You have to think Microsoft isn't stupid, if they are gonna lose customers to Sony they are gonna change there mind about things. But I'm assuming they are trying to adopt a steam model for the Xbox one, which wasnt popular at first but now is widely excepted as one of the greatest things for pc gaming. Well that's my opinion! Oh and why is it that pc gamers complain about the whole code thing, PC has the same code based authentication, I've bought games for my PC put the code in, got a diff PC tryed to install it to the new PC used the same code and guess what couldn't use it. Well that's my soap box!
Oh and btw Sony hasn't come out and said anything about if they are gonna to have a similar used game structure! So what makes Sony any diff, they are just as money hungry as Microsoft, apple, McDonalds, sonic, Walmart, and every other business in this country!
No. I'm guessing they're just a Microsoft fanboy who speaks English as a second language. (which makes them much smarter than me)
No. I'm guessing they're just a Microsoft fanboy who speaks English as a second language. (which makes them much smarter than me)

Okay. Just comes across as one then because of the lack of sentences and the use of texting language on a place that allows more than 160 characters.
Okay. Just comes across as one then because of the lack of sentences and the use of texting language on a place that allows more than 160 characters.
legitnoob can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he said he posts from his cellphone. Gonna hazard a guess and say that's what's up with the texting language/grammar.

That said, @legitnoob, taking the time and energy to write in a more proper fashion--nixing the text speak spelling and grammar--really does go a long way to improve clarity and credibility in posts. It can be a bit more time consuming, especially if posting without a standard keyboard, but it'll be worth it.
I'm sorry I didn't take the time to write out 3 drafts before I posted, all I ask is before complaining maybe wait and see what Microsoft fully has to offer, not jumping conclusions.