If you were a hot dog

If you were a hot dog - would you eat yourself?

  • Yes, I'd be delicious

    Votes: 65 91.5%
  • No, don't you know what I'm made of?!?

    Votes: 6 8.5%

  • Total voters
mmm...*drools on keyboard*

do we have any relish fans here? I've tried the stuff, and I'm really not a fan...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]chips ahoy w/M & M's)
bah u pansy u gotta make cookies urself if u wanna taste somethin good
2%milk is not really milk. it's milk-flavored water.

now if u want to know what milk is really like, take a half cup of HEAVY cream and a quarter cup of milk and mix them together. and that's a bit closer to what milk is really like.

not this homogenzed patuerized water stuff they sell...u might as well drink soy...???
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Feb. 09 2004,10:24)]2%milk is not really milk. it's milk-flavored water.

now if u want to know what milk is really like, take a half cup of HEAVY cream and a quarter cup of milk and mix them together.  and that's a bit closer to what milk is really like.

not this homogenzed patuerized water stuff they sell...u might as well drink soy...???
Looks like Kidan drinks some kinda super human milk, ill just stick to my 2%/whole milk.
ur both pansys go live on a farm get some real milk without the hassle. but for now rice milk and goat milk are good but 2% is a bit cheaper
dead - no its the real stuff straight from the cow that I was talking about. especially if you aint skimmed the cream from it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TheElite @ Feb. 10 2004,4:05)]UGH!

might as well pull up a stool beside the cow and yank away...

I'll take 2%...it's not as watery as skim milk and tastes better than Vitamin D milk, and won't clog my arteries as fast as the "real" stuff will.
why not die with clog areteries? at least you'll die happy having ate REAL food
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Feb. 11 2004,12:08)]why not die with clog areteries?  at least you'll die happy having ate REAL food
Can I get an Amen?


I'd rather die happy than skinny and misreble.

gg Atkins.

i asked my dad this question and he said: i would eat myself from the inside and leave the hotdog package empty. LOL
wow who knew fleck was John the baptist in a prevous life :p


oh, I've also come to the conclusion that not only can this dude :)blues: ) be "blues", but I shall use him for "hasidic jew"
