If you were a hot dog

If you were a hot dog - would you eat yourself?

  • Yes, I'd be delicious

    Votes: 65 91.5%
  • No, don't you know what I'm made of?!?

    Votes: 6 8.5%

  • Total voters
does it seem everything is wide?? then u might be havin some internet proplems cuz my internet does that everynow n then
so back to lamb is better than beef.:p
have u tried beef sashimi. Its only partly cured.
I had it at a sushi restaurant. And it was real tender.
green. plus they say genuises pcik green
(ever see meet the parents in canada?)
yes seen it a few times.
Meet the Faukners(is that the right spelling) is coming out soon. I can't wait.

Are u a member of Green Peace
well I'm waiting to introduce his mother. Going to be a great moment.
But Ben Stiller hasn't come out with very good movies lately. What was up with dodge ball. So I'm not sure how the movie is going to be.
dodgeball in my opinion was horrible and the humour sick
I love sick humor, loved scary movie 2. But I thought there was nothing funny about it. Maybe he was trying to re create the humor from Something About Mary but it didn't work
Their remaking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Willie Wonka is going to be played by Jonny Depp, and its going to based more on the original book.
Also Tim Burton is directing.
I'm waiting to see the ompas
that should be good. oompa loompa oompadedoo johnny depp is pretty good, jsut hope they dont kill POTC:2