If you were a hot dog

If you were a hot dog - would you eat yourself?

  • Yes, I'd be delicious

    Votes: 65 91.5%
  • No, don't you know what I'm made of?!?

    Votes: 6 8.5%

  • Total voters
errr i meant "BEEF" the only good meat on this world
LOL! would go further if more people posted like im rreally the only one who enjoys this topic
what are u talking about lamb pwns beef 10 to 1.
Yeah if everyone came and posted in here we would reach the 100 pages faster.
yeah but it doesn't beat roast lamp. tender fall off the bone goodness.
Ofcorce a nice rare steak is great, I'd still take a lamb over it.
I think I've only ever had lamb in a gyro

In case you didn't know, that's pronounced like hero, but instead of an "h" it's a "y". Like "yero". A Greek person told me when once I asked
rice pwns the potato not beef and you hvaent had my moms barvarion roast beef ah man she needs to make that soon
hey hey roasting was out of rule. Fine

Fried Rice home made can put anything in it. Even beef.
conclusion: rice wins
no I don't like fried rice with beef, I like rice with chicken or seafood
rice is good with anything, ive had it with salad, beef, chicken, salmon, kimchi, potatos, etc
some thing is wrong with my typing thing when you look at the place to put a quick messeage it huge the hole screen thing is huge