How to join our Christian Legion in Aion!

I'll probably be online some time tonight, so check for one of the alts in my signature if you're around. I can switch over and send an invite your way. I'll keep an eye out for you.
I'll be coming your way shortly. Just have to go and delete my characters on Lumiel, so that I force myself to stay on Siel. lol

Was trying to give roleplaying a chance, but can't seem to find a solid guild. Will be moving to Siel sometime tomorrow. I'll look you guys up then.
Need to get OP edited. You can't do a /who for a guild name, it will always come back with "0 online". Should put a list of Centurians who have the okay to invite people to the Legion, and folks will just have to keep an eye out for us, and us for them.
Need to get OP edited. You can't do a /who for a guild name, it will always come back with "0 online". Should put a list of Centurians who have the okay to invite people to the Legion, and folks will just have to keep an eye out for us, and us for them.

Ya, I've never gotten it to work but think I heard some others did. Always figured I was doing to wrong. Anyway, it's updated. Added you as a contact name as well. :)
Hello everyone. My in-game character is a Sorc named Lilendi. Can't wait to get joined up! Thanks for having me. :D
Hello everyone. just signed up and ill be look for you all when servers are up and transfer my toons over.

See you then.
I'm going to be getting back in Aion, not sure if I can transfer servers or not yet, or if I will be deleting chars and reforming on Siel. Would like to be invited once I figure out what I have to do. Haven't played since Feb '10 >.< need to reactivate account this week.

I'm already in ToJ and in Guild Wars.

Diana!! It would be awesome to have you. How many chars do you have? What race and level? I know you have a few Asmodians. I'm planning to move my Asmos to Israphel when transfers reopen.
Aleron, and all my new Legion! Yay!! I am glad to be with you, and my new char, Stylo :-)

I have 2 Asmodians : lvl 13 Chanter named Leelou, and a lvl 7 Warrior named Quinti. They are both on Vaizel. I checked in last night on them, changed their names back to the original. My Elyos Spiritmaster (KyrelYS) is there too, altho I'll have to get her off that server if I can. I forgot her lvl.

I was still in a Legion with Leelou after not playing for months! I left it.

See you ingame!!


decheck here new member have 3 toons on seil chanter ,40 temp ,35 ranger 33 .also have 3 asmos on Israphel play hours are from 6 pm -10pm est give or take so looking forward to grouping with you guys
New member!

Hi everyone. My toon name is ...well... Olavin. I'm generally on about this time, which is 8:00pm Pacific if there's no time stamp.
hey guys I hail from the realms of the World wide ambassadors Christian clan, though none of them are playing Aion currently, I am and am looking for a Christian guild to join so I would love to join you guys.

I am a level 14 chanter named: Firishia

please add me thanks and God bless :)
hey guys I hail from the realms of the World wide ambassadors Christian clan, though none of them are playing Aion currently, I am and am looking for a Christian guild to join so I would love to join you guys.

I am a level 14 chanter named: Firishia

please add me thanks and God bless :)
/bump for newly approved post
hey guys I hail from the realms of the World wide ambassadors Christian clan, though none of them are playing Aion currently, I am and am looking for a Christian guild to join so I would love to join you guys.

I am a level 14 chanter named: Firishia

please add me thanks and God bless :)

Have you had a chance to sign up with Tribe of Judah yet? If not, go to and let us know your ToJ name after you sign up and are approved.

Looking forward to gaming with you. I'll look for your character online!
hey guys I hail from the realms of the World wide ambassadors Christian clan, though none of them are playing Aion currently, I am and am looking for a Christian guild to join so I would love to join you guys.

I am a level 14 chanter named: Firishia

please add me thanks and God bless :)

What times are you normally in Aion? I've been looking for you.