Goblit, Avesther and Bannard go on a Road Trip!

Still on for Thursday for sure! Spent the night in Eugene and heading south to find really big trees.
OK, it looks like our probable cast of miscreants for tonight is:

Kreuzweg (probable)

Groedster, should we be expecting you?

Gilga or any other OC area folks, are you available tonight?

I want to make sure I've got a semi accurate headcount so that we can have a table lined up. Kaiily and Uziah may be running a little late, but I'm going to try to call ahead so they're expecting us.
How I did what, now?

Ahh, just kidding. I really did it that way 'cause I think Xsam is a total nub, and this gives me a good excuse to list him last.

OK, I'm still kidding...I think....
I am going to make every effort to make it but I'd call it a 50% chance right now. So don't wait for me to order, but maybe save at least a sliver of bloomin' onion just in case...

Also, to avoid too much nubish wandering around starting at strangers ... how will I recognize you? If the answer is "we'll all be wearing tabards" then I am definitely not coming ;)
The easiest way to find us if that Baddwin looks just like his in game character. Seriously, spitting image!

That'll teach you to put me last!!!
Gilga, maybe I have a 6th sense, but I just know a wow person when I see one. When icthus, mirakle and I go to lunch i'll point to someone and say "Dude, that guy plays wow..."

Funny thing is I bet people say that about us...
Well, Goblit, Bannard, Avesther, Xsamurai, Uziah, Gilga, Kaiily, and I did some serious damage to the Outback Steakhouse last night (and Uziah left a dent in Joe's Crab Shack, too, from what I hear). There was much conversation, laughter, and plotting of world domination. Seems there was something about Uziah and frosting, too, but I think my mind is trying to repress that...probably for the best.

It was great meeting Avesther, Goblit, Bannard (say 'hi' to Small World for me, Bannard!), and Gilga. Getting a chance to admire Kaiily's collection of Coke glasses was a high point, too.

Glad we got a chance to finally meet y'all! (That's Texan for 'you guys'.)
Yes, it was fun and it was great meeting everyone. By the way, everybody loves a good cupcake Baddwin!!! Maybe Goblit will post our group photo. I dont remember, are the 236 coke glasses in the pic too?
Fun it was....you never really know what you will find on the other side of vent, but what great people. Bannard was cool, its awesome to see a well knit family. Thanks for the time and comin out this way.....

BTW: I think Kaiily stole your Canadian $$$$