Goblit, Avesther and Bannard go on a Road Trip!

HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Water on east coast warm! LOL Right now I checked surfline and its like low 50's here its at least 60's. during summer gets to like 70's and you guys get like 60's lol.
Whatever Grodester. You're just jealous deep down inside. The East Coast does have a lot more history and well...it's got me so that's all the more reason to come over to this side of the States. ~.^
The east coast has more White Male Domination of history and what happened.

The West Coast has had more people living here longer.

Dude if you were like an indian would you want to live in the snow and like -1000 degrees or sunny California with the fresh fish just off the shore?

Every self respecting navtive american knows California is the place you ought to be.
I think it was about how awesome Jellybellies are, which are made in California. Just one more reason the left coast is better. :)
If you guys will be traveling through Fairfield, CA, you should go on the Jelly Belly factory tour. You can get a bag of rejects, called Belly Flops, for a ridiculously low price. And the only thing wrong with them is that they are not perfectly shaped, or they are stuck together. Yummy! :)
If you guys will be traveling through Fairfield, CA, you should go on the Jelly Belly factory tour. You can get a bag of rejects, called Belly Flops, for a ridiculously low price. And the only thing wrong with them is that they are not perfectly shaped, or they are stuck together. Yummy! :)

Hmm....sounds sweet!
I lived in California, in the heart of Hollywood ick*yuk*patuey for four years before God delivered me to the South where I found really nice peeps!

Mordos wrote****What about Neb! There is allot of... umm... CORN!! and umm... corn, and the corn huskers... and trees, no wait that isn't true... cross that last part off... but we have corn!****
I know I saw a tree in Nebraska, sure it looked a lot like a corn stock, but a cow was rubbing up against it so it had to be a tree!
You know what else Nebraska has? The city of Kimball, with the largest concentration of nuclear warheads in the U.S.
I lived in California, in the heart of Hollywood ick*yuk*patuey

Well that was your problem right there! Hollywood?!? *shudder*


Well, I can certainly second that.

Although you can find great people anywhere (well, except maybe Hollywood ;) ), people in the South tend to be more friendly, and people in SoCal tend to be more about themselves, on the average (this is where my SoCal buddies are gonna get offended, even though it's not them I'm talking about). Although, with as many people as we have here, if you look in the right places, you can find a LOT of quality people! :D

But I challenge you to find temperatures from the 60s through the 80s, and no more than about 60% humidity, virtually 12 months a year in the South.
K they upped the price of gas in Vancouver to $1.30 per liter....so $5.20 per gallon....so we decided to head to the states earlier than anticipated. We are now in Kent Washington, south of Seatle. Heading to Portland today...maybe stop and see a volcano on the way...we are heading SOUTH! lol
Dinner Thursday night at 7:00 at the Outback Steakhouse in Garden Grove. It's at the corner of Harbor and Chapman.

12001 Harbor Boulevard
Garden Grove CA

Map here

I'm not sure exactly where your hotel will be, GP and Goblit, but go to Harbor, which runs north-south right in front of Disneyland, and head south. Chapman shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 lights. If you run into trouble, you've got my cell number.

If any other SoCal folks want to come join us, you'd be welcome. Please reply in this thread if you plan to come, though, so that we can be sure to have enough room.