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No, I know you are crazy! ;) Because you are here...

Next person thinks we've all lost all sense of restraint!
Last edited:

Next person knows why the bat-mouse guy is Die Fledermaus or Deflator Mouse (depending on who you ask) WITHOUT doing a net search. :)
MASCOT?!?! ...wait, does that mean special privileges and officership? :P

Next person likes cookie dough ice cream, but thinks that peanut butter cup is a wee bit better
Nope. Saw the trailer though, looks interesting. I'll rent it on DVD probably.

Next person will probably do the same.

Next person is going to Go see a Fight Sat Night :). Yay for boxing or UFC YAY! is only one real sport worth watching...ICE HOCKEY :D and I don't even watch that much. (not much ice in Louisiana...hehe)

The next person thinks Ice Hockey is da bomb!