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Wrong Although Colorado is not quite south. GO AVES!! BTW Dallas Stars have a place in hockey and have been a very good team for awile!!

Next person hates Sports :(.
I dont hate sports... (beating up newbs is a sport right?)

Next person likes watching people slaughtering each other in pvp.
pvp bores me,

the next person actually watches replays of pvp

N.P. thinks free chips and salsa is required to be seriously considered a Mexican restaurant.

Wrong Although Colorado is not quite south. GO AVES!! BTW Dallas Stars have a place in hockey and have been a very good team for awile!!
Dredd, I'm a Texan and I don't personally know a single person in Texas that watches or cares about Ice Hockey or the Dallas Stars. :p
No. But I think I spanked one one time while I was on the deer stand.

Next person thinks Jesus is coming again and soon.
yes.. but thats like asking if anyone want to win the lottery.

N.P wants to win the lottery! (like me :))
Uh, I would have to PLAY the lottery to WIN the lottery. So no, don't think I want to throw money in the trash.

Next person is surprised there's no official PvP planned. (I know I am!)
no cause there is, its PvP friday, its offical and its planned so your question is irrelovent.

N.P. wishes they could PvP tonight (like me :()

The lottery is a tax on the stupid.

Next person agrees

(before I found God, I worked at a gas station as a teenager. If people made me mad with their ignorance I would charge what I called stupid tax. there was a button that was for general merchandise. I never got caught. And the gas station made pure profit from it.)

The next person Thinks Gas prices are too high...
(I remember when it was under $1.00)