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Nope. I know he exists; he fixed dinner for me and his parents tonight!

Next person wishes they could have delicious pork tenderloin with mushrooms, too.
not really. I'm not a "mushroom person", and I dunno about pork

Next person thinks I'm crazy for no other reason than-

*gets attacked by a monkey named Steve*

YARGH!! *ignites lightsaber in one hand and IDS in the other* *attacks*
already have two, although one has no edge, it's more of a look pretty than anything... i wouldn't mind having a functional one, though....

n.p. carries a pocket knife
I dont carry a pocket knife, I do have a traditional katana. I want to get a new one, and take up some lessons.

I will probably take a hopkido class if they have one available here.

next person likes sharp shiny things
i have 2 swords, a bayonet and other sharp shiny things >.>

the other person knows what CSA stands for
no i havent, but i'll be buying pre-thingy from gamestop

next person knows what im talking about
o0o MM doesnt floss...


Usually display swords arnt build for fighting. get a real sword :P

n. p. likes social events because of free food
I like social events because of the food and the socializing, so you're half right.

And my sword CAN'T have an edge; that would be painful. It's a dance sword: I balance it on my head, hands, hip, etc.

Next person flosses regularly, like me, but apparently unlike azuresun! (Just kidding, azure.)
amazing shes right

the next person wears a hat

I can't stand to wear a hat...makes me look toooooo young. Then I hear things like "you're not old enough to have so many kids."

The next person liked Serenity...

(I just watched this weekend)