Fun with Webcams!

ChickenSoup said:
Fort something... southern Georgia, almost on the FL border... I dunno, I was there when I was 6 years old :P
Probably Fort Gaines, though it may be Fort Benning (in Columbus). But I think Fort Gaines is closer to Florida.
MaidMirawyn said:
Probably Fort Gaines, though it may be Fort Benning (in Columbus). But I think Fort Gaines is closer to Florida.

Nope. I remembered though, it wasn't that close to the border, I wasn't remembering correctly. I think it was fort stewart
MaidMirawyn said:
Someone post a pic please so we can at least pretend we remember the topic...


This was after about 10-15 flashes (I couldn't get a pic I liked), otherwise my eyes would have been a little more open, hehe. :D

I really liked this one, but my arm got mostly cut off (I was hoping it would be either fully in the picture, or fully out...
Yay! A photo! And much better than the previous ones-did you get a new webcam? Or is it just better lighting?

See? It takes so little to make me happy! I really do like photos.
Back on Topic I found this really stupid terrible camera that I used to take a new pic of you go!


Yes that is a cutout of Eve! Yes that is an Autographed Picter of Lord Vader by James Earl Jones himself in the background. As well as the late band Big Tent Revival.
Proof that peer pressure works! :D (As is the fact that I joined myspace...)

Quality is low, of course, but I like it better than the helmet pic. Thanks for satisfying our curiousity!
Thank you Andrew. As a guy I will not say that you look good. Won't say that you are handsome. I will say that you are in the top 90% of all Spanish Colorodans that I know.

Thanks for being a good sport.
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