Fun with Webcams!

No, see, the Austalians elected me. I formed a resistance that started in Sydney and Melbourne and spread through the whole country/continent. We overthrew the sissy tiara wearing Queen (wasn't hard, she broke a nail and surrendered!) and established a capitalist Republic of Australia. (the dictator thing was just a joke).

And then we nuked France.

And no one REALLY likes queens anyway. Prime Ministers have all the REAL power; a queen is just a figurehead, sittting there absorbing tax dollars and eating fancy pies and stuff
ChickenSoup said:
No, see, the Austalians elected me. I formed a resistance that started in Sydney and Melbourne and spread through the whole country/continent. We overthrew the sissy tiara wearing Queen (wasn't hard, she broke a nail and surrendered!) and established a capitalist Republic of Australia. (the dictator thing was just a joke).

And then we nuked France.

And no one REALLY likes queens anyway. Prime Ministers have all the REAL power; a queen is just a figurehead, sittting there absorbing tax dollars and eating fancy pies and stuff
Actually, the position was listed as open just yesterday...maybe they got tired of Spam... :D

And the role of queen depends on the type of monarchy. I'm going with "benevolent passive dictatorship." I'm working on a "geek awareness week" as we speak.
MaidMirawyn said:
Actually, the position was listed as open just yesterday...maybe they got tired of Spam... :D

And the role of queen depends on the type of monarchy. I'm going with "benevolent passive dictatorship." I'm working on a "geek awareness week" as we speak.

We sent you a false report to give you a false sense of security :D
well, actually, C$, your position is a fraud. as "Ultimate Dictator of the World," I have instituted and enforce that only lead figureheads of the different factions be, in fact, queens. minus the queer ones, because I prefer girls.

so, all your followers, are actually ANET ninjaz that do my bidding. they're going to rebel and assassinate you as of.... now.
you will be replaced by one of the ninjaz and nobody will ever suspect.
Seeing as im the absolute power in the universe you AA will soon be assasinated by Anet Spiritual Ninjas with the special skill "Commit Suicide!" in a area riddled with EoE Spirits.
well,vibro.. I.. uh... was promoted to supreme chancellor of the multiverse... so... there!

and as my first act, I make C$ "Queen Soup" of Madagascar.
because, as Halonic pointed out, has a nice ring to it.

and I think a dress would look good on him.
No, see, your ANet ninjas killed the decoy, and I killed THEM. And at the same time, I dropped a hydrogen bomb on joo, and only a few minutes after that happened everyone took up arms against the Queens and overthrew them.
Time to bring this thread back to life!
Have been meaning to post these 4th of July Pictures.

Our lake holds a ski show every 4th of july, This was the first time that we have ever been able to get a 6 man pyrimid up.
I have more pictures that i might think about posting later....gettin late

(Im the goofy red head with red shorts)

Wow, that picture is amazing!

And please don't take the next question the wrong way, I mean it with the utmost respect. Do you only have one arm? The reason I am asking is I see everyone else holding on to each others shirts in the bottom row, but I can't see your left arm. None the less, I think it is completely amazing either way :D
azuresun said:
Do you only have one arm? The reason I am asking is I see everyone else holding on to each others shirts in the bottom row, but I can't see your left arm.

I have 2 arms its just hard to see the one thats holding on to the guy in the middle. But none the less there are people out there who have one arm and still ski, and are very good too.
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Okay, I'm impressed. I only learned to waterski AT ALL last summer. Haven't been since then because I don't have any friends with a lake house or boat or anything. :(
VERY impressive!

Another question, where do you get those big wide skis. I've looked, but I have trouble finding anything but single slalom skis.
All i know is that they ordered them online, the ski club organizer bought them. The ones we are using are show ski's and are huge, so they can hold lots of weight also it makes it really easy to get up on them.