[b said:
Quote[/b] (Goose62 @ Feb. 25 2004,3:21)]Goose is reigning champion for 2 years solid!
can we say 'pity win'?
I did message every single one of them, to no avail.

Look, I'm not frustrated with CS, I'm frustrated with what APPEARS to be a lack of attention to the CS server.

I thought I had made that clear, but I guess not.

I'll repeat, I REALIZE that you all have lives....I do too!

I'm not holding it against you because you don't stay with your butt glued to a chair all day, administrating the CS server, but I DO think that if you all aren't going to have the time to tend to the server, then maybe it IS time something is done about it! I do hold you accountable for taking on the responsibility of admin, because you should be held responsible, just like I hope you would hold me responsible if I were in a position of "power".

Just like when my parents would go somewhere when I was a child, they would get a babysitter.

Perhaps we just don't have enough babysitters.

this week i've been messaged three times about the server. None of those times were you. I''m logged into my account all the time I'm online. I'm allowed to use it at work, so i'm logged into nearly all my IM accounts then. the only time i'm not logged in, is when I'm asleep, and the early evenings, when I'm spending time with my son an wife.
Not to further an argument, but I did not see an IM from you either Vanaze...

I've just invited two more members to join us as admin, we'll see how things work out and you should be able to have some admins on during the day, Vanaze. I'll keep everyone posted.

Thanks again for your patience.
::Sigh:: Have you guys not figured out yet that Steam is an unstable piece of poo for software? PARTICULARLY Friends. I rarely have a message sent out that gets delivered to whom I intended it to get to anyways. I don't trust it.

No, I didn't have your screen names handy, no, I didn't bother to go look them up because it didn't seem to extremely important at the time.

I'm just getting more and more perturbed because it appears to me that certain members of ToJ pick out other members to subject them to their "superiority". I've had it occur to me several times, and I didn't like it.

I'm generally a calm, composed fellow, but I won't stand idly by as things such as that occur.

It's just wrong and shouldn't be happening. We are supposed to hold our brothers in Christ accountable.

Oh, and Thad, I did message you I know, for sure, Kidan as well. Elite, you didn't show up on my friends list, dunno what the deal with that one is.

Dunno, but I'm out for now.

Quick afterthought:

I'm not trying to come across as a trouble maker or a hot head, and I sincerly apologize if that's how it appears, but I only have the best of intentions by expressing my views and frustrations here amongst my brethren, and I only hope you realize that.

Too often lately have I been brought down by "brothers" in Christ, and it doesn't help the ole' self esteem much. I just don't want to do the same to you guys.
Van, I'm glad you can express your feelings here. I don't think anyone here is trying to "bring you down" on purpose. Getting a point across via message boards is a very difficult thing to do.

Anyways, I think we were all talking about using IM like AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, IRC, and ICQ. I dont' even stay signed onto Steam if I'm not playing.

I can understand your frustration, and I apologize on behalf of everyone here. Just know that I have appointed two new admins who will make themselves available during the day and late in the evenings.

the only admin that I usually get a hold of is plank or whon
elite/goosi are ususally never there
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]elite/goosi are ususally never there

Bleh.. they're bizi mans.. go for plank, whon, or best source, Tek!
(he had some fun blowing some bad-behaving people couple weeks ago..
I have been visiting your server for several weeks now and decided to join up just yesterday. I almost always see an admin on. Ill admit I play during the peak times for counterstrikers though. Sometime between 3 and midnight.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TheElite @ Mar. 02 2004,7:53)]See you on the server soon! That is...if I can ever get on!
For those of you that are Steam nubs (which obviously the guy above me is  
) there is a cute little option on Steam which allows you to automatically connect when a free slot on the server becomes available.

Right click on the server and hit "View server stats" and check the box that says "Auto connect me when slot becomes available."

Of course, I guess it won't help much if you have 10 other guys using that same option at the same time.  
Yes, I've utilized that option many I guess I'm not nub after all! I've actually let it sit for 25 minutes once...of course I was off doing something else during that time.
Isn't that great news...the server is that busy all the time. And its not all ToJers on it either.
We get lots of hits from the pubbers. We need to get ToJ2 that busy somehow too. I was on there the other night playing Walmart with a few others. That would be such a blast map if the server was full
I just posted about this topic in the wrong forum. Anyways lastnight was a bad night on the server. There were a few kids just spamming foul language for over an hour. Anyways heres my original message.

Guys Im new to toj but I have been playing on your server for several weeks now. I finally joined up because I wanted to be apart of a clean moderated server.

Well tonight I had the pleasure of playing with Pipes(chris) and Bill we were having a great time until a couple of kids came onto the server and spammed us with curse words. Im not really offended by the like as I have played on servers like this before. I just wished that we had an admin where action could have been taken.

We asked him to obey the rules many times and he just kept right on spamming. I have a picture as proof if anyone needs to see it. This went on for well over an hour.

I want to help out the server as best as I can. I play late usually 8-12 midnight and sometimes later. I also play some early afternoon when I get off. I know that you guys are busy but can you possible delegate some other admins so that we can keep the server moderated during the hours that it is full.

Im sure Pipe or Bill would be willing to do it also. I dont really care who it is we just need a few more admins. There are lots of guys that are willing.
