Central Transfer Chamber - the NEW off-topic thread


This should answer the signature question...

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We are now free to return to our regularly scheduled randomness. ;)

Why is it SO easy to procrastinate on working on that Programming II project that's due in... a week and a half?

Its like I want to not get any sleep for the last week.

But I most certainly do NOT want anything that will deprive me of my precious sleep. :D

Why is it SO easy to procrastinate on working on that Programming II project that's due in... a week and a half?

Its like I want to not get any sleep for the last week.

But I most certainly do NOT want anything that will deprive me of my precious sleep. :D

I always hate my assignments, I get them done 2 days after it is put out then I spend the remaining time bored. Then I feel sorry when people are struggling to get even the basic stuff done. Anything else I am lazy, stuctured procrastination ftw.
I've been able to do that most of semester, but now this is the Final Project. This is the project required to pass the course, and since we can make pretty much anything we want, it had better be really stinking good... So I'm putting a ton of work into it and have decided I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew. But oh well, such is life.