Central Transfer Chamber - the NEW off-topic thread

ThinkGeek has had the funniest stuff today. Anyone see the new WiiHelm? I really think that could bring my SSBB technique to a new level...


;)That stuff would be great for dragoncon...lol..wired on cereal all day


ThinkGeek has had the funniest stuff today. Anyone see the new WiiHelm? I really think that could bring my SSBB technique to a new level...

Huh boy. Not more motion-sensitive-related gamer-wear from Nintendo... XD
For anyone who is having trouble following our conversation, those were April Fool's Day items...

I think it's hilarious, though, that they're actually MAKING the personal soundtrack shirt...I do, however, despair over it. It's bad enough when the car next to you blasts their music of choice at you. But a crowd of people doing it? Oh lovely...

I wouldn't worry if there were the slightest indication the average person understood the concepts of appropriateness and consideration for others...
Media Specialist is what the school librarian used to be, now that's there's all sorts of media besides books, and all that technology, too. But I'll make him come explain what he'll be doing. :)
Woot! I'm doing some last minute procrastination on my Database project!

....er wait. I shouldn't be happy about that.

Its only due this Thursday. :eek: <--See them eyes? Yeah, that'll be me around 2am Thursday.
I have a 75-point book review from journalism class due thursday! w00t!!!
Beware the caffiene crash...

BTW..when is paul getting on to explain exactly what his new job is?
Wow, I wrote a response to this thread and now it isn't here. I guess I got distracted before I actually hit the submit button. Oh well, here goes again. :rolleyes:

As a media specialist, I have a dual responsibility to teach and to manage/operate the media center. I will teach classes within the media center, usually involving bibliographic instruction (how to use information resources like encyclopedias, dictionaries and online resources to find information). I will read stories to younger students and assist older students with research. On a more limited basis I will host and sometimes teach professional development classes for teachers, and work with teachers to create lesson plans or locate and evaluate resources to support them. On the management side, I create the library budget, buy resources, manage employees (two or three full-time clerks and parent volunteers), create and implement short-term and long-term programs, host book fairs, apply for educational grants, and coordinate with other library programs (like the local public library).

A lot of people think the Media Specialist is the person behind the circulation desk, reading a newspaper and occasionally checking out books. That's usually the clerk or a parent volunteer. Media Specialists don't have time to read. If they are reading, it's usually to create a lesson plan for a book or to evaluate a book for the library collection.

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