Central Transfer Chamber - the NEW off-topic thread

Wow, I wrote a response to this thread and now it isn't here. I guess I got distracted before I actually hit the submit button. Oh well, here goes again. :rolleyes:

As a media specialist, I have a dual responsibility to teach and to manage/operate the media center. I will teach classes within the media center, usually involving bibliographic instruction (how to use information resources like encyclopedias, dictionaries and online resources to find information). I will read stories to younger students and assist older students with research. On a more limited basis I will host and sometimes teach professional development classes for teachers, and work with teachers to create lesson plans or locate and evaluate resources to support them. On the management side, I create the library budget, buy resources, manage employees (two or three full-time clerks and parent volunteers), create and implement short-term and long-term programs, host book fairs, apply for educational grants, and coordinate with other library programs (like the local public library).

A lot of people think the Media Specialist is the person behind the circulation desk, reading a newspaper and occasionally checking out books. That's usually the clerk or a parent volunteer. Media Specialists don't have time to read. If they are reading, it's usually to create a lesson plan for a book or to evaluate a book for the library collection.


So like, you could totally, I don't know, hack the syste--

*gets eaten by a velociraptor*
That made me laugh out loud, Bonk. :D You obviously have a knack for writing humor, based on your posts I've seen so far - not to mention your screen name. :p You must join us over at the writing forum (Assignment: Writing). We need more humor writing there. :)

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I've not been in that forum for a while..due to heinous math classes, a graphic design project, and working on painting battlemechs. I have mabye...2 paragraphs done? Oh, and the 20-pg "technical readout" got revised.
That made me laugh out loud, Bonk. :D You obviously have a knack for writing humor, based on your posts I've seen so far - not to mention your screen name. :p You must join us over at the writing forum (Assignment: Writing). We need more humor writing there. :)


That certainly sounds better than starting a blog or a webcomic.


Anyway, yeah, that sounds pretty fun, actually. :)
Dea.. your just now figuring that out??

(Oh Joey, one more till 500 for you!)
Yes I am.

After all, around here it is perfectly normal to be abnormal. Hence I'm categorically normal.

Its like being unique. Everyone is unique... Just like everyone else. ;)
Touche. So then anybody here that would be normal would classify as abnormal. Anybody care to confuse us all?
In order to be in the guild you MUST be abnormal! Making us all within the guild normal to each other, but to others outside we are really abnormal, which in most cases is normal because we think most people are abnormal save those we classify as normal, which normally is our friends, but then in that case normal people classify themselves and their friends as abnormal, which again, is normal.

Thus ending world hunger!
Well said. Anybody who joins the guild that is abnormally normal quickly gets assimilated into the normal abnormality of it.
What should we call people who don't conform to the normal abnormality of this group then? Ooh, I know. Normalverts. :D
Finals are OVER.

At least for this semester. 4 more to go...

Ahh, now I can get back on the good ol' GW more often. :D

I'm feeling like going on an Orkish rampage because I'm without the internet for large segments of the week (except times like this when I'm sitting in a coffee shop in town using their wifi...) and the only game I remembered to bring with me was Dawn of War.
Its gonna be a long week.
So, is just about everyone through with their finals? :)

lol. Are you kidding me! I still have about 5 weeks of school left. This should be the last week of "learning" new stuff. And then a couple weeks of "re" learning stuff for the Finals, and THEN Finals.

BUT all the AP testing is done ;)

YAY SCHOOL! /sarcasm..
lol. Are you kidding me! I still have about 5 weeks of school left.

Good GRIEF! All the public schools here are pretty much done...they finish before Memorial Day. Even the private schools are finishing the week after Memorial Day...May 30.
