Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

My point is this. If God did make us to fail then he has no right to condemn anyone to hell and he is in fact evil for creating so much suffering. Of course this is simply not true. We have each failed by our own choices. Adam and Eve failed because of their choices and I have failed by my choices God did not make me or them or anyone else to sin. We have had freewill since the beginning. After all we were created in his likeness I am sure God has freewill.
lol yeah he does :p. and off topic mr. pop u almost have 900 posts :p
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Jan. 02 2004,1:03)]lol yeah he does :p. and off topic mr. pop u almost have 900 posts :p
Yes he does but only because we have all failed by our own stupid choices. Yes I do.
well God is perfect in every way so His free will is pure in all actions.
umm isnt what we're doing here kinda spammish?? u should go to here and post stuff :p
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Jan. 02 2004,1:14)]umm isnt what we're doing here kinda spammish?? u should go to here and post stuff :p
So you want me to debate God at a topic about network cards? ~EDIT~ Sorry for the double post but the server went down or something and I was having trouble posting it.
umm no i want ur help in fixing my network card instead of spamming here.
The rock is one thing - but we have done testing in environments traditionally supposed to be incapable of supporting life and... Tada... They support life. From subterranean lava tubules to Deep Sea volcanic vents (which by the way are the source of belief in the possibility in life on Europa). In addition we've gone to Mars, and have confirmed the presence of water life - and it is a fairly safe bet that Mars once had a denser atmosphere than it does at present.

No - none of this is PROOF of life elsewhere, but the odds are getting shorter and shorter and shorter with each new discovery - I'm merely taking the process to its logical conclusion. I personally like the way that the evidence is trending, and I believe (although I'm the first to admit that I don't know) that sooner or later we'll find what we're looking for.

Ever read CS Lewis' The Space Trilogy? Fiction, but very interesting. According to him, there is definite life on other planets. Matter of fact, life very similar to ours. In some ways, superior. Splendid.
I don't doubt life exists on other planets. Why not? What impact would that have on people's faith? Should it have any? So life exists elsewhere...big whoopie. Did God just make great gaseous balls out in space for no purpose other than for us to look at through some relfective glass tubes? Just to look at? I have a feeling God made life on other planets, too. Just life different from Earth's, d'oh.

What would make God evil if He himself created a world that would suffer? Why is that evil? Explain yourself. Does suffering make God an evil god? Did seeing his wife turned to salt make God an evil god against Lot? Did seeing his children part their separate and life-altering ways before his eyes make God an evil god to Abraham? Or to ultimately take everything away from Job make God an evil god? Suffering is a part of the nature of God. No evil in that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What would make God evil if He himself created a world that would suffer?
Nothing. What you are saying is that he made us for the purpose of suffering, that is what is evil.  
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Or to ultimately take everything away from Job make God an evil god?
If I remember correctly that was satan.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]umm no i want ur help in fixing my network card instead of spamming here.
I suck at networking.  
No it was God who allowed Satan to take everything away from Job.

If you really wanted to get into the whole Free will vs Predestination i would say take it to another topic because that is where this is heading i think.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]No it was God who allowed Satan to take everything away from Job
Yes but it was satan that did it not God. It would be nice to think that God controls everything but it is simply not true.
Sniff...yeah, I agree.
Time for some fun. God allowed Satan to do Job in basically, so to some ultimate degree, God was responsible for all of Job's suffering; Job didn't cry out to Satan: "Why are you punishing me?" He cried out to God. Even he knew who was responsible for his misery. It was God. God is responsible for everything.
Suggesting that God doesn't control everything makes me wonder why he's omni-everything. Why know everything and be almighty if you're not going to do anything with it? You make us so you can't even do anything but take a deist approach: "I made the world, set it to rotation, and at some point intime I'll intercede and help out or hurt." That's deism. Tom JEfferson was one. It has some merit, but yeah, predestination is where this is going.
God allowed satan to test Job's faith. In the end he got it all back.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]God is responsible for everything.
If that is true then he has no right to judge anything. How can the one who forces people to do sin condemn them for it and still be holy?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Why know everything and be almighty if you're not going to do anything with it?
I dont know ask him. It was his choice to make us like him.
See, that's my problem with Christianity too - if there's one guy stacking the deck, then how can you blame anyone else but him for the evils in the world. That's like my placing a marble on a slope and blaming it for rolling downhill...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Eon @ Jan. 03 2004,10:58)]See, that's my problem with Christianity too - if there's one guy stacking the deck, then how can you blame anyone else but him for the evils in the world. That's like my placing a marble on a slope and blaming it for rolling downhill...
Not all christians believe God controls everything. I am a christian and I dont. I am a sinner by my own choice and will God did not make me do anything. He has commanded me but has never forced me to do anything.
So what would make you blindly follow God without knowing his motives? You don't know jack about God's ultimate intentions or why He does things, and yet you follow them without question.
You don't even know if it's free will or predestination. We just have to wait until we're safely dead to find out.
I mean, geez. Talk about faith. We have no idea what his intentions are, and here's a big question, too: WHAT could we possibly do in orchestrating the entirety of eternity of the New Earth if we don't expect some kinda action, maybe another downfall so we can start over again? WHY? What is the point? Move around and help lead the world: "Let's go digging for gold in California so we can add on to the Pearly Gates." "Sure thang." "Good. Get some angels together and let's get this thing on the road."