Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

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It's true. I think you either get a free year of Live, a 2 month Live trial, or a home entertainment center. Or something like that.
That will be cool. Thanks for the info!
Yes it's true, and I do think SC:PT is a great excuse to get Xbox Live. Just FYI, you don't have to be on Xbox Live to play multiplayer. They also allow you to play through system link. A friend and I spent the weekend with our Xbox's connected playing SC:PT. Of couse since it supports system link, you can also play online using Gamespy Tunnel or XBConnect.

I usually just play on Live though.

Splinter Cell: Pt
Star Wars: Clone Wars
and I'm getting Halo setup for online play.
Have you ever thought it would be cool to be able to check the status of your friends list from your computer without having to sign onto Xbox Live? I used to want that, but then Microsoft created a way for users to check the friends list through Microsoft's website by using a .Net passport.

Well, that's cool except you still have to visit Microsoft's website and then you have to manually refresh it every so often.

From what I understand, one of the new things Microsoft is working on is integrating Microsoft Messenger with Xbox Live so people will be able to check the online status of people in real time, and send and receive messages and game invites.

In the meantime, someone has been working on a project that will provide easy access to your friends list from a PC. It is a little buggy, but I've been using it now for the past few weeks and it seems to work great.

You can read more about it and download it at:
In the 21 century there needs to be two big inventions.  One is that there needs to be one controller for your tv, vcr, cable, console (only for playing music and such), stereo, dvd, and satellite if you have one.  The other is that someone needs to develop a single messaging program similar to Trillian but more mainstream that will incorporate your msn, aim, yahoo, icq, Xfire (the new one), your pager, and all of these little instant messenger doodads into one little device.  You should be able to access this program on any person's computer (should you be at a friends house), and any online gaming console like Xbox or ...whatever else can be networked.  Of course, the messenger for pc should have (a lot of) skins.

btw - thanks Tolkien
I've got good news and bad news. The good news is after next week, I'll be done with school for the summer. The bad news is that that means I'll be headed back home where we don't have broadband. Therefore, this'll be the last weekend I get to play on Live for a while. So, I was wondering if any of you were up for a game of something (Rainbow Six 3, CS, GR:IT, etc.) this weekend. Let me know if you're interested.
I'm always up for Splinter Cell: PT, but I've also got CStrike & RS3. Bummer that you won't be on Live for a while. I'll have to check and see what my schedule is like for the weekend. I've already got Friday night scheduled for PSO for a little bit, but I think I'll be free some on Saturday afternoon and/or evening.
Sweet, I finally have it hooked up. Just message me anytime you'd like to play!

btw - if it matters I use XbConnect
hey guys, i'm from toj's other chapters and prbly going to get into this one...

i just got xbox and i have 2 months free of xbox live...haven't set up anything y et but lemme know if anyone is game...

i got two games with it gotham city and some other...and i had to get cs lol can't live without it just pm
Welcome to Live (when you sign up). My gamertag is Tolkien. Just let me know what you end up using as your gamertag or just send me a friend request after you sign up.

I have Counterstrike on the Xbox, but the main games I'm playing now are Phantasy Star Online and Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow.

SC:PT is the one game that I think every Xbox gamer should own, and one plus with it is that you have a chance at getting a card in the box that gives you 1 year of Xbox Live for free. (I got one and a couple of my friends have gotten it as well)

Here's the current list of Live games that I own:

Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix
Phantasy Star Online
Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
Top Spin
hey- on live im h0lycrusader913 (a zero not an oh) at least i think... I havent been on in awhile but am planning to get on sometime this week so lemme know if you have a free moment to play some cs or something.
oh sry forgot to mention that my gamertag is se3ker

yea i plan on getting sc sometime soon...only if i knew that 1 year subscription was free with it earlier, would have go tthat instead of cs...i'm really not that excited with cs on xbox kinda tough for me..can't even aim hehe

but i'm having fun playing PGR... still a noob but i like that game...

one questin guys if i rent cds and if those cds have scratch, are there any chances that it can damage my system??

anyways talk to you guys later

yeah ive heard like hours of complaints from my friends about scratchy discs damaging their system, although I've never experienced it nor does it make alotta sense. i mean why would a disc with a scratch in it damage a laser beam? Who knows tho- My friends have all have fried first-generation xboxes (the old ones from when they first came out) and they blame it on each others's scratchy discs that they borrowed as well as the low quality disc drives the first-generations had in 'em. But i've rented alotta games and never experienced damage from a scratchy disc. A scratchy disc might not run very well and freeze alot, but i dont think it causes permanant damage to your xbox.

Also about CS turn the sensitivity up to very high. Maybe high to start out with, then to very high. Your aiming problems should be quickly resolved in a week to a month if you play yourself against about 2 expert bots at first, then later move up to 3, 4 and 5. And the miami map is reccomended. After doin that for about a month i got up to 5. Myself verses 5 expert bots and i actually won some matches
I first saw this game in a magazine advertisement and checked it out.  Basically I thought it was a revamped America's Army, but it turns out it is so much more than that.

It's turning out to be a real-time strategy game with a 3rd person view of your teams.  You command two squad of teams (kind of sudo sorta similar to Ghost Recon, but not really) and you work them around and order them through urban combat situations.  The movements of the individuals are incredibly realistic and the graphics so far are spectacular - this almost looks like something you're watching on tv rather than playing on a console.

It will have Live! capability, but so far it doesn't look like you can head against other players - the only choice I know of right now is to face off against the campaign (co-op like) while another player takes control of bravo company.

Full Spectrum Warrior Home

Tactics videos

Non-playable demo (100+ megs)

edit: I highly recommend the demo movie over all the others; it is a high quality gameplay video lasting 14 minutes. Narrator included.
Don't worry about choosing CStrike over SC:PT. There's a chance you could get a free 1-year subscription with SC:PT, but it isn't guaranteed.

As for the scratched discs hurting the Xbox, I seriously doubt it. The laser does not make physical contact with the discs, so I can't imagine how it could cause damage. The only thing that I know of that could cause problems is if there is dirt or dust on the disc. If the lens gets dirty, things could get a little messed up.

First generation xbox system with Thompson drives are known to have problems with certain games, and unfortunately Microsoft won't do anything about it. I was able to just fix it myself by ordering and installing a replacement lens (I forget how much it was, but it was pretty cheap).
bah i saw you online the other day, but didn't know how to send you a voice message...

i'm not sure about this...but in cs how come i can't join games where my friend is playing without invite...?
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