Alllllll righty, this must stop.

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I've been having trouble lately with the opposite gender.
FIRST THING THO: Nothing serious like... *cough* well you know. Now, as your heart rate slows...

What makes girls tick? I mean, I walk up to her, and then... I blank out and I'm at a loss for words and I look stupid.:o I need some advice.

Thanks for your help!:)

It sounds like you have it just about normal....

Key thing you need to know, Women are different from men. They don't think like you, they don't talk like you, they don't value the same things you do.

They are a mystery novel to be read SLOWLY.
Icthus said:

It sounds like you have it just about normal....

Key thing you need to know, Women are different from men. They don't think like you, they don't talk like you, they don't value the same things you do.

They are a mystery novel to be read SLOWLY.

True, but these novels can slap so be careful.
Unfortunately, no one can answer that question.

Your best bet is to try and not be nervous. Just be yourself. If she doesn't like or accept that move on to someone else and put your energy to good use.

Let me make one suggestion. Do what Mr. Slice said and be yourself.

Although, honestly, you are too young to really be worrying about girls right now. Right now just enjoy the teen years and focus on the things you like. Don't get caught up in the whole "I have to have a girlfriend thing". Start out as friends with a girl and a good relationship will come of it.

My husband and I started out as friends, in fact he became my best friend and that is the best way to start out any relationship with a girl.

Anyway, that is my friendly suggestion.
One thing that always comes back to me when I talk to people in their teens about relationships is this... I don't have any contact with any of my old "girl friends". But, I have contact with the people who were my friends....

Focus on your friends, boy or girl, not on the kissing stuff... I know, I know the kissing stuff is more interesting.... You will get plenty of kissing in your life. You never had enough good relationships.
It's not the "I need a girlfriend" thing, it's the whole love thing.

Oh man... I never figured THAT would happen to me.

I mean, it's not like "I want a gf today", it's like... like... jeez, how do I put words to it...
Chicken, one thing you should remember is God will bring the right person for you when the time is right. and again, leave it at friends for now, anythhing more is really pointless. for me, sure ive talked to girls, basic stuff nothing really but i got really bored becuase all the think about is drama. then God bruaght in an amazing strong christian and Gamer even ^_^ and now we're good friends and hangout alot at school so it pwns. just wait, God knows what he is doin.
ChickenSoup said:
It's not the "I need a girlfriend" thing, it's the whole love thing.

Oh man... I never figured THAT would happen to me.

I mean, it's not like "I want a gf today", it's like... like... jeez, how do I put words to it...

Our society forces you into "romantic love". Look at all the stories you were told as a child. Two people meet and fall in love. Look at all the movies you see. How many do NOT have a love story of some kind? Even in the sitcom "Friends" they HAD to put people together.

Those are pressures you see every day and never realize are there. It helps when you take a minute to recognize these things. They are unknown forces working on you. We won't even go into biological chemical things.

One thing all teens need to realize is this- Teens have the body systems and emotions of adults. However, they have not developed the brains to filter those feeling, emotions and hormones in the way that adults have. Bascially this means you have a hard time with those feelings because your brain is not ready for them yet. But, you still have them. Congratulations.

Keep in mind that, with women, you can never win. The best you can do is come out even.

Even if you THINK you've won, you've most likely lost.

Winter Retreat 2006 with my youth group=weirdnessosity...

First we're joking around about the really non-existent but still jokingly-made fun of thing that my friend is obsessed with this girl in my youth group, and while I joked a bit I never went too far with it, and he laughed along with us, but then the tables turned on ME!


Anyway, throughout the 3 days I was there, someone kept saying "ooo Chicken Soup strike one!" and then "strike TWO!" and finally when I got to "strike three" I asked what in the world he meant and he said "I'm counting the 'strikes' between you and (insert name here)" I asked what he meant THEN and he said the first two were when it was dark and the girl and I were at the bottom of this huge tubing hill and while nothing really happened, when they (my entire youth group almost) saw me as a slave, carrying up her tube (she dumped it on me as she walked by...) when I reached the top they all smirked and went "Aaawww... CS is so nice" and it was embarrassing... I suppose I learned that even if your friends laugh along at the small jokes made at them and find them to be funny you're not supposed to tell them because the tides will turn in someone else's favor.

The weirdest part is that I'm like 2.2 years older, but if you didn't do the math you'd think I was 3 years older :eek:, and thats not including THIS:

Girl: that was AWESOME!
Me (and I'm 30 feet to the right): yeah.. I think I busted my knee on that shard of ice...
(girl's friend walks by, walking back up the hill)
Girl's friend: What are you guys doing down here? Getting "down to business?"

And that is just wrong. Then again, her friend was public schooled :p
Girls are people, too!

I have a secret to tell you: girls are people! Really,I'm not kidding.

And don't feel bad about "not getting" females. It isn't just you-I've talked to a lot of guys (even some guys on this forum) who are five or ten years older than you (or more) and still get nervous around girls.

If you want to talk to a girl, look for common interests. Don't carry on and on about Guild Wars, for example, unless she plays too! If she's also a gamer, ask her what games she likes, why, what type of characters she plays. Then just make intelligent responses. It's fine to tell someone about yourself, but keep it kind of brief and then ask them questions about themself. (This is the part most people have problems with; they tend to get carried away talking about what interests them. I know it's the thing that can trip me up!) Unfortunately, the art of conversation isn't really taught anymore, and hasn't been since my mom was growing up!

It will help if you don't look at girls as potential girlfriends; look at them as potential friends. If you can't be friends with a girl, why would you think the two of you would ever be a good match? Even if you aren't looking for a girlfriend, consider making more female friends. It will help you get used to relating to girls. (This is a big mistake that many gamers make!)

And most girls are suckers for courtesy, even chivalry. You can always practice being polite, respectful, and considerate on your mom, aunts, female cousins, sisters, etc. And if you have a sister who is close to you in age, pay attention to how she and her friends like to be treated; you can learn a lot.

Hope this helps!
And most girls are suckers for courtesy, even chivalry. You can always practice being polite, respectful, and considerate on your mom, aunts, female cousins, sisters, etc. And if you have a sister who is close to you in age, pay attention to how she and her friends like to be treated; you can learn a lot.

So no more "I'll carry your stuff for a kiss?" XD lol j/k

anyway... I know they're people, things just were running on 5 gallons of sugar at the retreat, so, yhea.
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