Sorry I think this thread is way out of control as well. So after my thoughts it will be closed. Please do not keep spamming just to spam if you have something to add to a thread by all means do it if not just read and be quiet.
Ladies are to be cherished and respected. Also from person experience the first think to look for in any person you just one day may marry is his/her belief. Being married to a non-Christian is a very hard path to follow but it can be done. (BTW people have asked me do I think my husband is cute and I say no......cause I have rarely looked for that to be a top priority.) I also feel that when God is ready He will change my husbands heart NOT ME. Like I said it can be done but from the things that have happened in my life it would probably been a lot easier if he was a Christian from the beginning.
If any of you need or want to talk with me about this you can contact me over my yahoo im. Same name as here in forums.