Search results

  1. 7

    Looking for Group...

    Hey gang, It's been a while since I stuck my head through the forum doors here. I am looking to join up with one of the raiding groups that we have however I am not sure which ones will put up with my availability. Because I am the father of 9 kids I decided that family has to come first...
  2. 7

    Getting Keyed...

    lol Thanks guys! I may be on tonight if any of you are available to help, see you all later. Shane.
  3. 7

    Getting Keyed...

    Hey no worries, I had a makeup soccer game for two of my kids so I was on later than I expected. I have a few games this evening and my wife requires some of my time so I will not be on tonight. Will try and hook up with you all another time. Take care.
  4. 7

    Getting Keyed...

    Done Arc, only one more to do Black Morass... almost got keyed last night but sadly we wiped on final boss after he was reset somehow?? Anyhow take it easy.
  5. 7

    Getting Keyed...

    Onto Arc now...
  6. 7

    Getting Keyed...

    Thanks all! I am on part two now, SV & Arcatraz...
  7. 7

    Getting Keyed...

    Hey all I have finally got off my rump and started the quest chain to get keyed for Karazhan... I am currently on the quest to enter Shadowlabs and surprisingly have tonight free. Woot! So if any of you guys want to join me for whatever reason I would love to do some killing tonight :D...
  8. 7

    70 Rogue Build. Discuss.

    I was thinking of a few builds before the expansion came out, there are so many nice builds now that have pretty awesome applications. Since I cannot try any out for myself as of yet it is hard to say what I think the best one is. Dagger builds: 30/31/0 - Seal Fate/Combat Daggers (Focus is...
  9. 7

    Almost forgot...

    Some guild mates mentioned that they would like to see a picture of our new baby. Thanks to Adam for helping me get it to a size that I can actually put in this post.
  10. 7

    Hello all.

    I hope things are well with you all these days. I wanted to say hello to you all (those who actually remember me that is) :) and to let you guys know that Nov 30 @12:23am my wife gave birth to Morgan Benjamin Isaiah Gilbert who weighed in at 8lbs 7oz and a full head of black hair :D...
  11. 7


    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, hope your day goes well. Later Shane aka Ironwolfe
  12. 7

    All things come to an end...

    Well guys it has been a blast to play with you all for so long. My time has been very limited as of late and alot of the new people do not know me that well. I am truely sorry for that, but it could not be helped. The time has come for me to hang up my dragon fang & core hound tooth and focus...
  13. 7

    ZG Run Goals

    I feel that I should explain my either absence or lateness for these events... I do want to go to ZG very much... I have stuff I would really like to get such as enchants & rep etc... However, RL comes first and as of late it has been kind of crazy. While I do desire to hang out with you all...
  14. 7

    Rogue talent tree changes

    I really like a few of the ideas, the increase AP by % and melee weapon skill talent are huge. I am unsure of the kidney shot thing yet, I like the extra damage part... but dislike the loss of a sweet stun. It does look hopeful for us rogues, how it pans out only time will tell. I hope the...
  15. 7

    well im back

    Hey, nice to see your face again... it has been a long time. Good to have you back.
  16. 7

    Rogue Assistance please

    I once had 5pts in improved instant and it just rocked I was very happy with it, the only down to it is that most bosses in raids are immune to your poisons. Doh! That build is interesting, 50 energy for ghostly strike seems like alot to me and you lose lethality (+30% dam on crit for SS...
  17. 7

    Rogue Assistance please

    There are rogues that do both dual & dagger spec, I am one of them. I am not a PvP'er so I focus more on just doing as much damage as I can. My build is the combat dagger build (10S/25C/16A) The build focuses on very high white damage and crits and still allows for high damage backstabs...
  18. 7

    Insprirations from WoW: Why do we strive for righteousness?

    May I throw something out there? I remember when I had no desire for righteousness, I was a professing Christian but inside in my heart I did not care that I struggled with so much sin. I would easily condemn someone else for their sin by the way. Then after experiencing Christ and seeing...
  19. 7

    Help please

    A few rogue comments: 1. If you are in instances you do not want to be the target of abuse, that is the tanks job... so your setup points are not useful. 2. If you want to do serious damage with backstabs you have to have 5pts in opportunity and 3pts in the backstab talent in the combat...
  20. 7

    I am just not WoW'd anymore

    You will be missed Connor... you have encouraged me in hard times. You have been so generous to others, I am sure many speak of the things you just went out their and did for them. I remember when you presented me with my first uber dagger (Heartseeker), I almost fell over. You had farmed the...