I was thinking of a few builds before the expansion came out, there are so many nice builds now that have pretty awesome applications. Since I cannot try any out for myself as of yet it is hard to say what I think the best one is.
Dagger builds:
30/31/0 - Seal Fate/Combat Daggers (Focus is on fast combo generation and still having decent white damage) You do sacrifice Opportunity, but you gain 2 cp for every crit.
46/0/15 - Mutilate/Ambush enough said... Cold blood causes both Mutilate(Main Hand & Off hand) attacks to crit last time I checked, which is nasty. I hope they do not change that.
41/20/0 - Mutilate/Partial Combat(till you get +50% offhand damage) I suspect this may be one of the highest damage builds due to the way Mutilate works and the bonuses based on Poison, post finish-moves and kidney shots.
16/0/45 - Assassination/Sub... this would deal out insane amounts of damage really fast. However, during prolonged persistent combat it drops off, brutally strong openers though.
15/41/5 - Combat Daggers, I am not sure yet how powerful this build will be with the change of +daggers or the lowering of the crit rating of a lvl 70 char.
Sword builds:
20/41/0 - Combat Swords
30/31/0 - Seal Fate / Combat Swords
Since I have played a Combat Dagger rogue for so long I do not have a ton of input on Swords builds. I leave that for those who love using swords
Anyhow thought I would share my thoughts for those who can try stuff out and see what works. Hey, do not forget to let us all know what you find out.
Anyhow have fun, hopefully see you again some time.
Shane aka Ironwolfe