Rogue talent tree changes

The new heightened awareness (or something like that) talent sounds very promising. Giving rogues a chance to not be knocked out of stealth by demo shout is a good idea... although a better one would be that only damage can have a chance to remove stealth. The combination of the two key tier 1 stealth talents is a great addition too.
I really like a few of the ideas, the increase AP by % and melee weapon skill talent are huge. I am unsure of the kidney shot thing yet, I like the extra damage part... but dislike the loss of a sweet stun.

It does look hopeful for us rogues, how it pans out only time will tell. I hope the changes are as good as they appear to be.
The thing that looks good to me is that quite a few of the talents have been condensed and moved up --- meaning that rogues will have to spend less talents to get the same effect.

Now, I'm hoping that they will move imp sap so it doesn't mean insta-gimp.
Tell that to a rogue who PvPs a lot --- at one point rogues were dominant in PvP, but now they are disbalanced lower than they should be --- rogues regularly get pwnd by warlocks, shamans, hunters, druids, and warriors in one-on-one (unless they have M4D FLYING G0UG3 SK!LLZ like Rueage). This is simply borked because Blizzard has insisted that each class is supposed to be balanced so that it can own two classes with ease and be owned by only two easily.

At one point any run-ins with rogues would leave me dead (druids are supposed to be one of the 'with ease' classes for rogues) but nowadays in PvP i've frequently done two rogues simultaneously by myself. I think it is about time they got a buffing.
maybe they were just bad rogues? then again, i managed to 1v1 a shaman on my druid when i had all green gear.

nerf feral droods!!