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  1. Thrawn


    Sweet, I was just thinking I needed to get more faction to get some amber for Kurzick armor. Wait.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! This weekend is my church's family retreat. I'll be gone the whole time... Doh. >_<
  2. Thrawn

    Update - Wednesday September 14

    My Favorites: Improved the Mission Map (the window accessed by using the "U" key) so that it works properly in the Catacombs, the Underworld, and Fissure of Woe, where previously it showed only black. Way of Perfection: increased Health gained from critical hit to 10..40. Broad Head...
  3. Thrawn


    Aww, man, I'm in last... >_<
  4. Thrawn


    Heh, I booted up GW the other day, and as soon as I went through the process of booting 2 copies of it, my net crashed. :rolleyes:
  5. Thrawn

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    Well said. (Btw: "Voila!" :D ) As for being a "freshman," break the stereotype. Do what you can to be a shining example of a role model, and people will be forced to look at you that way. And, if you're lucky, they will try to emulate that. As Paul tells Timothy: "Don't let anyone look...
  6. Thrawn

    I will probably not make it to PvP :(

    Slacker. :p We'll try to win the Hall for ya. :)
  7. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Yet. I could download it... Next person knows the difference between 802.11a, b, and g.
  8. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Yep. Next person thinks I should be paying attention in class rather than posting this. (Not that I'm going to anyway... :p )
  9. Thrawn

    Dragon's Lair - Sun Sep 10 9PM EST

    You mean the dancing and the manicial laughing didn't tip you off? Darn. ;)
  10. Thrawn

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    As a friend of mine is known to say: "It takes time to do business with God." :D
  11. Thrawn

    Dragon's Lair - Sun Sep 10 9PM EST

    Booyah! SoE/SOE: 1, Glint 0 And we did it with 7 people, too, since one of our party had connection issues. (Luckily he didn't need the mission, but was coming along just to help out.) Doh, I should have gotten a screenie of the corpse... >_< It was fun teasing the dead Glint with the...
  12. Thrawn

    Starburst Balanced! Swap Revealed Hex with Inspired Hex, since no factions.
  13. Thrawn

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    As is mine. I somewhat resent this generalization, too. I don't know how many you've been to, but I highly doubt it's enough of a sampling to be able to make such a statement. Also, I agree with Thrain. Different people worship in different ways. I'm reminded of a line from the Newsboys song...
  14. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Probably, but it's not ringing any immediate bells... Next person likes toast. :D
  15. Thrawn


    I want this guy on my team...
  16. Thrawn

    Fun with Webcams!

    DUN DUN DUN!!!! :eek:
  17. Thrawn

    new forums!!

    I concur.
  18. Thrawn

    HoH build

    Yeah, I noticed last weekend doing the ViM teams, that we got massacred around the third match, a good majority of the time by balanced.
  19. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Oh my gosh, my aunt (who's like 60-something) used to make "Jello Salad" for EVERY family yes. :D Next person...can think of something better for the next person to test themselves against.